(a) Pursuant to Section 4.16 of the City Charter all ordinances and resolutions of Council shall be published by posting the full text thereof for a period of fourteen days in three public places within the City which are hereby determined to be the bulletin boards in the following locations:
City Hall
Central Fire Station, Cedar Street
Police Department
(b) In addition to the publication provided for in subsection (a) hereof, when specified by a duly adopted motion of Council, publication of ordinances and resolutions shall be made according to Section 4.16(a) or 4.16(b) of the City Charter.
(Ord. 74-195. Passed 7-15-74; Ord. 2013-2. Passed 1-22-13.)
There is hereby established a fee of fifty cents (50) per sheet for all copies of ordinances, resolutions and minutes obtained from the office of the Clerk of Council. The moneys thus obtained shall be paid into and credited to the General Fund of the City.
(Ord. 80-135. Passed 6-16-80.)