Each ordinance or resolution passed by the Council shall be published:
   a.   By publication in full once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper determined by Council to be of circulation within the City; or
   b.   By publication of a concise summary of its provisions once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper determined by Council to be of circulation within the City, and such summary publication shall contain a statement that a copy of the full text of such ordinance or resolution is available for inspection at the office of the Clerk of Council, Municipal Building, Elyria, Ohio; or
   c.   By posting the full text of the ordinance or resolution in three public places within the City as determined by Council.
   The method of publication, in accordance with this section, shall be determined by Council and the Clerk of Council shall cause such publication to be made.
   A failure to publish, omission, delay or error in said publication on the part of a newspaper, its officers, employees or agents, shall not cause such ordinance or resolution to be declared invalid, or otherwise affect the validity of such ordinance or resolution, and in such events the Clerk of Council may authorize publication at a later date. After the publication of each ordinance or resolution as hereinabove provided, the Clerk of Council shall affix the appropriate following certification to the copy of the ordinance or resolution maintained in the official journal or record provided for in Sec. 4.10 of this Charter, and such certification shall be prima facie evidence of such publication.
   1.   The following Certificate of Publication shall be used when the full text of an ordinance or resolution is published as provided by subparagraph (a) of this section:
"Certificate of Publication
I, the undersigned Clerk of Council of the City of Elyria, Ohio, hereby certify that the full text of the foregoing (ordinance or resolution) was published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the (name of newspaper in which publication took place) on the ___________day of __________, 19___ , and the ____________day of ____________, 19___ , and that at such dates said newspaper was determined by the Council to be of circulation within the City of Elyria, Ohio.
   Dated this _____________day of _____________, 19___.
Clerk of Council
City of Elyria, Ohio"
   2.   The following Certificate of Publication shall be used when a concise summary of the provisions of an ordinance or resolution is published as provided by subparagraph (b) of this section:
"Certificate of Publication
I, the undersigned Clerk of Council of the City of Elyria, Ohio, hereby certify that a concise summary of the provisions of the foregoing (ordinance or resolution) was published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the (name of newspaper in which publication took place) on the ____________day of _______________, 19___ , and the ____________day of _______________, 19___ , and that at such dates said newspaper was determined by the Council to be of circulation within the City of Elyria, Ohio; and that said publications contained in addition to a concise summary of the provisions of the foregoing (ordinance or resolution) a statement that a copy of the full text of such (ordinance or resolution) was available for inspection at the office of the Clerk of Council, Municipal Building, Elyria, Ohio.
   Dated this ___________________day of ___________, 19_____.
Clerk of Council
City of Elyria, Ohio"
   3.   The following Certificate of Publication shall be used when an ordinance or resolution has been published by posting in three places within the City as provided by subparagraph (c) of this section:
"Certificate of Publication
I, the undersigned Clerk of Council of the City of Elyria, Ohio, hereby certify that the full text of the foregoing (ordinance or resolution) was posted in three public places within the City as determined by the Council, and that such places were as follows:
   ________________________, _______________________, and __________________
(inserting in the blanks a description of the public places at which the ordinance or resolution was posted).
   Dated this _____________________ day of ________________, 19____.
Clerk of Council
City of Elyria, Ohio"
   The failure of the Clerk of Council to affix the appropriate "Certificate of Publication" provided hereinabove shall not affect the validity of an otherwise duly and properly enacted ordinance or resolution.