General Provisions
34.01 Fiscal year
34.02 Budget statement, hearing, filing, procedure
34.03 Appropriations
34.04 All-purpose, extraordinary levy
34.05 Expenditures
34.06 Contracts
34.07 Unaudited statement of cash receipts and disbursements
34.08 Claims
34.09 Warrants
34.10 Special assessment funds
34.11 Sinking funds
34.12 Deposit of funds
34.13 Investment of funds
34.14 General property tax
34.15 Transfer of funds
34.16 Bond issues
Fees and Charges
34.30 Establishment of schedule
34.31 Fee schedule
Sales and Use Tax
34.45 Imposition; authority
34.46 Net proceeds
34.47 Effective date