The following schedule of rates, fees and taxes is hereby established for the municipality:
1.   Deposit for utilities user service: water, sewer and solid waste collection (determined by property square footage)
7,000 square feet or less
7,001 to 10,500
10,501 to 14,000
14,001 to 17,500
17,501 to 21,000
21,001 to 24,500
24,501 to 28,000
28,001 to 31,500
31,501 to 35,000
35,001 to 38,500
38,501 to 42,000
42,001 to 45,500
2.   Hook-up fees for utilities user service
   a.   Water
i.   Hook-up to municipal main
Actual cost
ii.   Reconnection
iii.   Reconnection during non-working hours
   b.   Sewer
i.   Hook-up fee and top to municipal main
Actual cost
3.   Monthly utilities user service fee for water, sewer and solid waste collection services
   a.   Water
Monthly user rates by property square footage of lot
i.   Lot sizes (square feet)
   (1)   Less than 7,000
   (2)   7,001 to 10,500
   (3)   10,501 to 14,000
   (4)   14,001 17,500
   (5)   17,501 to 21,000
   (6)   21,001 to 24,500
   (7)   24,501 to 28,000
   (8)   28,001 to 31,500
   (9)   31,501 to 35,000
   (10)   35,001 to 38,500
   (11)   38,501 to 42,000
   (12)   42,001 to 45,500
   (13)   45,501 to 49,000
   (14)   49,001 to 52,500
   (15)   52,501 to 56,000
   (16)   56,001 to 59,500
   (17)   59,501 to 63,000
   (18)   63,001 to 66,500
   (19)   66,501 to 70,000
   (20)   70,001 to 73,500
   (21)   73,501 to 77,000
   (22)   77,001 to 80,500
   (23)   80,501 to 84,000
   (24)   84,001 to 87,500
   (25)   87,501 to 91,000
   (26)   91,001 to 94,500
   (27)   94,501 to 98,000
   (28)   98,001 to 101,500
   (29)   101,501 to 105,000
   (30)   105,001 to 108,500
   (31)   108,501 to 112,000
   (32)   112,001 to 115,500
   (33)   115,501 to 119,000
   (34)   119,001 to 122,500
   (35)   122,501 to 126,000
   (36)   126,001 to 129,500
   (37)   129,501 to 133,000
   (38)   133,001 to 136,500
   (39)   136,501 to 140,000
   (40)   140,001 to 143,500
   (41)   143,501 to 147,000
   (42)   147,001 to 150,500
ii.   Commercial/industrial
As set by Village Board
iii.   Late payment fee
iv.   Water tap fee
Actual cost
   b.   Sewer
Monthly use rates
i.   Residential
ii.   Commercial/industrial
As set by Village Board
   c.   Solid waste collection
i.   Residential
ii.   Commercial/industrial - prorated among number of users per dumpster
   (1)   90-gallon dumpster
   (2)   1-1/2-yard 300-gallon dumpster
   (3)   2-yard 400-gallon dumpster
   (4)   3-yard 600-gallon dumpster
   (5)   4-yard 800-gallon dumpster
4.   Dog licenses
Per year, per dog
(i)   Village
(ii)   State license fee
Lost tag
5.   Occupation taxes - per year
Fire insurance companies tax
Liquor license tax (Neb. RS 53-132(4)(d)
6.   License fees, per year
Tobacco license
Liquor license
(i)   License fee by Class (the fees for publication of notice shall also be charged to licensee)
As set out by statute
(ii)   Special designated license
7.   Cemetery
Lots (minimum of two lots per purchase)
(i)   Cemetery marker permit - per burial space
(ii)   Resident - per burial space
(iii)   Non-resident - per burial space
(iv)   Burial space transfer fee
Perpetual care
8.   Elected official compensation
Chairperson, Village Board, per year
(1)   $100 each month Chairman attends regular meeting
Trustees, per year
(1)   Payable $50 per month Trustees attends regular meeting
Per day for out-of-town meetings
9.   Care Center Board compensation
Chairperson, per year - payable $100 per month
Members, per year - payable $50 per month
Building permit fee
Request for special meeting
Sales and use tax rates
State - 5.5%
Local - 1.0%
13.   Utility vehicle permit
Per year, per vehicle
i.   Village
ii.   Sheriff
(1995 Code, § 12-102) (Ord. 84-1, passed - -; Ord. 89-1, passed - -; Ord. 36, passed 6-10-1998; Ord. 87, passed 2-11-2015; Res. 2017-06, passed 12-13-2017)