(A) Description of district. The I-1 Office, Research and Light Industrial District is intended to provide an environment suitable for and limited to research and development activities, office, warehousing and light manufacturing enterprises. The more stringent conditions and restrictions applied in this district are intended to preserve the quality of life in adjacent districts by encouraging a high degree of design quality, open space and environmental quality.
(B) Uses permitted. No land shall be used or occupied and no building, structure or premises shall be erected, altered, enlarged, occupied or used, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, for other than one or more of the following uses:
(1) Accessory uses;
(2) Banks and financial institutions;
(3) Clinics; medical and dental;
(4) Hotels and motels;
(5) Laboratories, offices and other facilities (including ancillary uses) for research and development or technical services conducted by or for any individual, organization or concern, public or private. These uses include, but are not limited to:
(a) Engineering and testing laboratories;
(b) Medical and dental laboratories;
(c) Agricultural research laboratories; and
(d) Any outdoor testing of animal, plant or other biological and genetic research is prohibited.
(6) Manufacturing activities, including but not limited to electronic and scientific precision instruments manufacture, cloth product manufacture, light machinery production and assembly, printing and publishing; excluding those uses which may be obnoxious or pose a nuisance for any reason including the emission of toxic or hazardous substances, odor, noise, dust, smoke or gas;
(7) Office uses;
(8) Pilot plants in which processes planned for use in production elsewhere can be treated to the extent reasonably necessary for full investigation of the merits of a product or process including commercial viability;
(9) Public and private utility-type and governmental service uses;
(10) Production of prototype products when limited to the scale reasonably necessary for full investigation of the merits of a product, including commercial viability;
(11) Training and educational facilities; and
(12) Warehousing and distribution facilities, but excluding motor freight terminals.
(C) Special land uses permitted. The following uses shall be permitted only if specifically authorized by the Village Board:
(1) Banks and financial institutions including drive-through facilities;
(2) Buildings whose height exceeds the maximum building height in the I-1 District (see Density and Dimensional Regulations below);
(3) Clubs, lodges and fraternal organizations;
(4) Day care centers;
(5) Parking areas including structures, as a principal use of a property;
(6) Planned unit development;
(7) Residence of the proprietor, caretaker or watchman, when located on the premises; and
(8) Restaurants.
(D) Temporary uses permitted. Upon application to and issuance by the Building Commissioner of a permit therefor, the following uses may be operated as temporary uses:
(1) Temporary building or yard for construction materials and/or equipment, both incidental and necessary to construction in the zoning district. Each permit shall specify the location of the building or yard and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than six calendar months and shall not be renewed for more than four successive periods at the same location;
(2) Temporary office, both incidental and necessary for the sale or rental of real property. Each permit shall specify the location of the office and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location; and
(3) Real estate subdivision sign not to exceed 100 square feet for each face. Signs shall be nonilluminated. Each permit shall specify the location of the sign. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location.
(E) Accessory buildings and uses permitted. Accessory uses, buildings or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted use or special use may be permitted, provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership or control, on the same or on an immediately adjacent parcel, which may be separated by either public or private roadways, and does not include structures or features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use. Those uses are subject to supplementary regulations outlined in § 162.089.
(F) Density and dimensional requirements.
(1) Minimum lot area. No minimum lot area is established in this district. However, lot dimensions shall be sufficient to meet the remaining density and dimensional regulations.
(2) Minimum lot width. A minimum lot width of 150 feet shall be provided for each lot used for a permitted or special use.
(3) Building setback requirements.
(a) Front yard. No principal building shall be allowed within 50 feet of any front lot line or street right-of-way line.
(b) Side yard. No principal building shall be allowed within 20 feet of any side lot line.
(c) Rear yard. No principal building shall be allowed within 20 feet of any rear lot line.
(d) Exception. Building setback requirements described above for side and rear yards adjacent to a railroad or a railroad siding shall not be applicable.
(e) Adjacency to a residential district. Where a side yard or rear yard in this district abuts a residential zoning district, no principal building shall be allowed within 50 feet of the residential lot line.
(4) Maximum site coverage. Site coverage shall not exceed 40%.
(5) Building height limitations. No building shall exceed four stories or 45 feet in height. This height may be increased to a maximum of 100 feet by a special use permit, as long as all yard setbacks are increased by a ratio of one foot for each two feet, or portion thereof, of increased building height over 45 feet, provided that no front yard setback exceeds 150 feet and no side or rear yard exceeds 75 feet.
(G) Landscaping requirements. All development in the I-1 district shall be landscaped as follows.
(1) All yards and open spaces surrounding buildings, parking lots, access drives and streets shall be landscaped with trees and shrubs, and shall be maintained by the property owner.
(2) Trees in front yards shall be planted at a ratio of at least one, two and one-half-inch caliper shade tree for every 30 feet of street frontage. Strategic grouping of trees is encouraged, as opposed to even spacing of trees.
(3) Yard areas shall be landscaped at a ratio of at least one shrub or tree for every ten feet of the principal building’s nearest exterior wall. Strategic grouping is also encouraged.
(4) (a) For parking areas greater than 30 spaces, a minimum of 20 square feet of interior landscaped area per space shall be provided.
(b) In order to qualify as an interior landscaped area, the area shall be located wholly within or projecting inward from the boundaries of the parking area.
(H) Special provisions.
(1) Waste materials. No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such a form that they may be transferred off the property by natural causes or forces.
(2) Other regulations. The following list references the appropriate sections of this chapter which specify the other regulations governing development in this district:
(c) Outdoor storage, see § 162.090; and
(d) Screening, see § 162.091.
(Ord. 656, passed 7-2-2001)