In situations where a nonresidential use is constructed on a commercial or industrial zoned lot, and the lot is located adjacent to a residentially zoned lot, then the developer of the nonresidential use shall provide the following screening within the required rear and/or side yard building setback area.
   (A)   Within this setback there shall be a landscaped area planted with one, two and one half-inch caliper tree for every 30 feet of common property line and other ornamental vegetation having a height not less than six feet at the time of planting so that all nonresidential buildings and uses are effectively screened from the view of abutting residential properties.
   (B)   In addition, there shall be placed at the property line a neat, clean and maintained sight-proof fence or wall having a minimum height of eight feet.
   (C)   The use of earth sculpting or berms may be allowed in place of the fencing provided they are designed to provide the same screening effect and are designed to avoid erosion, drainage or maintenance problems.
(Ord. 656, passed 7-2-2001)