(A) Description of district. The C-1 Local Shopping District is intended to provide areas to be used by retail or service establishments to supply convenience goods or personal services for the daily needs of the residents living in adjacent residential neighborhoods. The district is designed to encourage shopping centers with planned off-street parking and loading and provide for existing individual or small groups of local stores. This district is normally located on primary or secondary thoroughfares, is relatively small in size, and has bulk standards comparable to the bulk standards for low-density residential districts.
(B) Uses permitted. No land shall be used or occupied and no building, structure or premises shall be erected, altered, enlarged, occupied or used, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, for other than one or more of the following specified uses:
(1) Churches;
(2) Civil/public buildings/municipal buildings (including but not limited to village halls, police stations and public work facilities);
(3) Dry cleaning establishments;
(4) Laundromats;
(5) Financial institutions, excluding drive-through facilities;
(6) Offices; business or professional, including but not limited to medical, optical, dental and chiropractic;
(7) Playgrounds and parks;
(8) Specialty shops including but not limited to antique shops, art and school supplies, bookstores, camera shops, card shops, candy shops, florists, news stands, gift shops, jewelry stores, record shops, tobacco shops, hobby shops and other similar type uses; and
(9) Service facilities including barber and beauty shops, artists’ studios, photographers, drug stores, locksmiths, shoe repair, tailors, travel agents and other similar type uses including:
(a) Video sales and rentals; and
(b) Dormitories, fraternities and clubs.
(C) Special uses permitted. The following uses shall be permitted only if specifically authorized by the Village Board.
(1) Similar and compatible uses to those allowed as “permitted uses” in this district;
(2) Bars, taverns and package liquor stores;
(3) Day care centers;
(4) Financial institutions, with drive-through facilities;
(5) Food stores, grocery stores, meat markets, bakeries and delicatessens;
(6) Hotel and/or motel;
(7) Nursing home or assisted living facility;
(8) Planned unit developments;
(9) Public utility and governmental service uses on lots having areas, widths, yards and other conditions as approved by the Village Board. Including, but not limited to:
(a) Electrical substations and booster stations;
(b) Filtration plan, pumping station, well and water reservoir;
(c) Police and fire station;
(d) Sewage treatment plant;
(e) Telephone exchange and microwave relay tower; and
(f) Other government and utility uses.
(10) Restaurants, excluding drive-through.
(D) Temporary permit uses permitted. Upon application to and issuance by the Building Commissioner of a permit therefor, the following uses may be operated as temporary uses:
(1) Temporary building or yard for construction materials and/or equipment, both incidental and necessary to construction in the zoning district. Each permit shall specify the location of the building or yard and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than six calendar months and shall not be renewed for more than four successive periods at the same location;
(2) Temporary office, both incidental and necessary for the sale or rental of real property. Each permit shall specify the location of the office and the area of permitted operation. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location;
(3) Real estate subdivision sign not to exceed 100 square feet for each face. Sign shall be nonilluminated. Each permit shall specify the location of the sign. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location;
(4) Bazaar, dance and/or carnival; provided, however, that each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than seven days; and provided, further, that a period of at least 90 days shall intervene between the termination of one permit and the issuance of another permit for the same location;
(5) Christmas tree sales; each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than 60 days; and
(6) Parking lot designated for a special event; provided, however, that each permit shall be valid only for the duration of the designated special event.
(E) Accessory uses permitted. Accessory uses, buildings or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted use or special use may be permitted, provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership, on the same parcel, and do not include structures or features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use. Those uses are subject to supplementary regulations outlined in § 162.089.
(F) Site and structure requirements.
(1) Minimum lot area. None required, except that each residential use shall meet any other required bulk and density requirements set forth in this chapter.
(2) Yards.
(a) Front yard. All structures shall be set back at least 20 feet from the front lot line.
(b) Side yard. None required; however, if a yard is provided, it shall be not less than five feet. Adjoining a residential district, a side yard of not less than ten feet shall be provided.
(c) Rear yard. All structures shall be set back at least 20 feet from the rear lot line.
(3) Maximum height. No structure or portion thereof shall exceed a height of two and one-half stories, or 35 feet.
(4) Floor area ratio. Not to exceed 1.0.
(G) Landscaping requirements. All development in the C-1 District shall be landscaped as follows.
(1) All yards and open spaces surrounding buildings, parking lots, access drives and streets shall be landscaped with trees and shrubs, and shall be maintained by the property owner.
(2) Trees in front yards shall be planted at a ratio of at least one, two and one-half-inch caliper shade tree for every 30 feet of street frontage. Strategic grouping of trees is encouraged, as opposed to even spacing of trees.
(3) Yard areas shall be landscaped at a ratio of at least one shrub or tree for every ten feet of the principal building’s nearest exterior wall. Strategic grouping is also encouraged.
(4) For parking areas greater than 30 spaces, a minimum of 20 square feet of interior landscaped area per space shall be provided. In order to qualify as an interior landscaped area, the area shall be located wholly within or projecting inward from the boundaries of the parking area.
(H) Special provisions.
(1) Enclosure of operations. All business, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, except off-street parking or loading.
(2) Parking requirements.
(a) In accordance with the applicable regulations set forth in §§ 162.150 through 162.159. of this chapter. In addition, the parking of trucks when accessory to the conduct of a permitted use shall be limited to vehicles having not over one and one-half tons capacity, except for pickup and delivery services.
(b) For parking areas greater than 30 spaces, a minimum of 20 square feet of interior landscaped area per space shall be provided. In order to qualify as an interior landscaped area, the area shall be located wholly within or projecting inward from the boundaries of the parking area.
(4) Scope of operations. All business establishments shall be retail trade or service establishments dealing directly with consumers, and all goods produced on the premises shall be sold on the premises where produced.
(5) Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage is prohibited.
(Ord. 656, passed 7-2-2001; Ord. 792, passed 10-19-2005)