9-8-1: Purpose
9-8-2: Definitions
9-8-3: Administration By Director Of Recreation, Parks, And Library
9-8-4: Permit Required
9-8-5: Notices
9-8-6: Establishing Fees
9-8-7: Application Fee
9-8-8: Free Speech Event Fee
9-8-9: Basic Rate
9-8-10: Additional Use Fee
9-8-11: Time For Depositing Fees
9-8-12: Refunds
9-8-13: Application Time Requirements
9-8-14: Free Speech Event Application Time Requirements
9-8-15: Application Form And Content
9-8-16: Supplemental Information Required By The Director
9-8-17: Permit Application Review By City Officers
9-8-18: Permit Issuance
9-8-19: Permit Denial
9-8-20: Alternative Time, Place, Or Manner
9-8-21: Notice Of Denial
9-8-22: Indemnification Agreement
9-8-23: Liability Insurance
9-8-24: Waiver Of Insurance Requirements
9-8-25: Special Permit Conditions
9-8-26: Subsequent Conditions
9-8-27: Right Of Administrative Review
9-8-28: Time For Administrative Review
9-8-29: Commencement Of Administrative Review
9-8-30: Administrative Review
9-8-31: City Council Appeal
9-8-32: Free Speech Events
9-8-33: Permit Revocation
9-8-34: Emergency Suspension Of Event
9-8-35: Cordoning Off The Site Of An Event
9-8-36: Public Conduct During Events
This chapter is adopted for the purpose of regulating public events conducted in city parks and facilities that are operated and maintained by the city recreation, parks, and library department. This chapter is intended to ensure that such events are safe, do not unreasonably interfere with the general public’s use of parks and park facilities, and do not damage public property beyond ordinary wear and tear. In addition, this chapter is intended to require any person or organization sponsoring or conducting an event to compensate the general public for all costs incurred in connection with operating and maintaining the parks or park facilities reasonably attributable to that event. (Ord. 1363, 6-3-2003; amd. Ord. 1620, 11-17-2020; Ord. 1639, 9-20-2022)
Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this chapter:
BASIC RATE: The fee established by city council resolution for using park property or facilities. The basic rate is based on a fair share of that part of the overall cost of operating and maintaining the city's parks and facilities reasonably attributable to a permittee's use of city park facilities.
CITY MANAGER: The city manager or designee.
DIRECTOR: The director of recreation, parks, and library, or designee.
EVENT: Any of the following:
A. Any activity in a park that is planned for, or carried out in a manner to attract, more than one hundred (100) people to attend or participate in the activity;
B. Any activity in which the persons participating in or viewing the activity are charged a fee or solicited for donations;
C. Any activity which includes the sale of food, beverages or merchandise, and/or the rental of equipment or other things; and
D. Any activity where the nature of the activity necessitates reservation of a park, or portion thereof, before the activity for the applicant's exclusive use or where a permit applicant otherwise seeks to reserve a park, or portion thereof, before the activity for the applicant's exclusive use.
"Event" does not mean any of the following:
A. Any activity conducted in a park or portion of such park that is sponsored or carried out by another public agency, a private organization, or an individual pursuant to a lease or other agreement between the city and such public agency, private organization, or individual;
B. Filming at a park where the person filming possesses a filming permit issued pursuant to this code; and
C. Special events that use a park where the person conducting or sponsoring the special event possesses a special event permit issued pursuant to this code.
FREE SPEECH: Activity protected by the first amendment of the United States constitution and/or article 1, section 2 of the California constitution provided that such activity is a significant part of the event.
IN WRITING: A telegram, facsimile, or any other written document.
PARK: Any city park or park facility operated or maintained by the recreation, parks, and library department including, without limitation, baseball fields and playgrounds, but does not include golf courses.
PERMITTEE: A person or entity to which the city issues a permit pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 1363, 6-3-2003; amd. Ord. 1620, 11-17-2020; Ord. 1639, 9-20-2022)