The Chief of Police shall have the right, authority and power at any time to close any street or any portion thereof temporarily to vehicular, pedestrian or other traffic when in the opinion of the Chief of Police the public peace, health or safety requires the temporary closing; provided, however, that in all such cases, suitable signs shall be conspicuously posted giving notice of the fact that the street or portion thereof is closed, or a police officer or person designated by the Chief of Police is present thereat for the purpose of giving the notice. No person shall, in case the street or portion thereof is so closed, enter into or upon the closed portion or drive any vehicle into or upon the same contrary to the notice of the order of the police officer or person so designated. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as depriving the City Council or Street Superintendent from concurrent power to likewise temporarily close any street or portion thereof within the City, but the delegation of power to the Traffic Authority herein made shall be construed as in addition thereto. (Ord. 429, 9-30-1953; amd. 2000 Code)