General Provisions
   154.001   Citation of chapter
   154.002   Adoption
   154.003   Purpose and nature of regulations
   154.004   Relation to El Mirage general plan
   154.005   Severability
   154.006   Conflict with other regulations
   154.007   Private agreements
   154.020   Definition of terms
   154.035   Administrative agencies
   154.036   Planning and Zoning Commission
   154.037   Board of Adjustment
   154.038   Zoning Administrator
   154.039   Method of documenting amendments
Zoning Districts
   154.050   Zoning districts and map established
   154.051   Interpretation of zone boundaries
   154.052   Permitted uses by zone
   154.053   Zoning standards
Special and Overlay District Regulations
   154.065   Planned area development (P.A.D.) special district
   154.066   Floodway overlay zone (F-1)
   154.067   Floodplain overlay zone (F-2)
   154.068   Airfield impact overlay zone (A-1)
   154.069   Thunderbird Road overlay district (TROD)
Specific Use Requirements
   154.085   Adult or sexually oriented business
   154.086   Resident care homes, group care homes, and assisted living centers
   154.087   Drive-through facilities
   154.088   Home occupations
   154.089   Marijuana regulations
   154.090   Specific use location restrictions
   154.091   Wireless communication facilities
   154.092   Accessory buildings, structures, and uses
   154.093   Temporary uses and structures
General Building and Development Standards
   154.095   Purpose
   154.096   Use of lands, buildings, and structures
   154.097   Occupancy restrictions
   154.098   Setback encroachments, limitations, and exceptions
   154.099   Height encroachments, limitations, and exceptions
   154.100   Fences and walls
   154.101   Required screenings
   154.102   Landscaping requirements
   154.103   Property access standards
   154.104   Off-street parking requirements
   154.105   Off-street loading berth requirements
   154.106   Miscellaneous requirements
   154.107   Non-conforming uses and structures
Sign Regulations
   154.125   Purpose
   154.126   Applicability
   154.127   Exemptions
   154.128   Prohibitions
   154.129   Conflicting regulations
   154.130   General provisions
   154.131   Total aggregate sign area standards
   154.132   Standards by sign type
   154.133   Additional standards by permanent sign type
   154.134   Additional standards by temporary sign type
   154.135   Master sign program
   154.136   Permits and enforcement
   154.137   Flags and flagpoles
   154.138   Non-conforming signs
   154.139   Conflict
Administrative Procedures
   154.150   Pre-application meeting
   154.151   Application submittal (administrative completeness review)
   154.152   Procedure for amendments to this chapter
   154.153   Procedure for rezonings
   154.154   Citizen review process
   154.155   Procedure for variances from this chapter
   154.156   Procedure for site plan approval
   154.157   Procedure for conditional use permit
   154.158   Procedure for operating a home occupation
   154.159   Procedure for temporary use permit
   154.160   Procedure for planned area development (P.A.D.) approval
   154.161   Procedure for appeals to City Council
   154.162   Fees
   154.999   Penalty