(A) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish general development standards for screening between uses of differing character, density, or intensity. The screening standards are intended to assure compatibility of uses, minimize deterioration of properties and property values, and to enhance to health and safety of the residents of the city.
(B) Use of screening. Unless otherwise determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission, a masonry screen wall of six feet in height above grade shall be constructed and maintained between uses of differing intensity or character. This may include between existing and/or future:
(1) Large lot and small lot single-family developments;
(2) Single-family and multi-family developments;
(3) Multi-family and multi-family developments;
(4) Residential and non-residential uses;
(5) Differing non-residential uses;
(6) Parking areas subject to general public view; and/or
(7) Rear and/or side lot areas and public rights-of-way.
(C) Outdoor storage. All outdoor storage areas for materials, refuse containers, mechanical equipment, or vehicles, and all loading/unloading areas or service bays shall be screened from street view by a screening wall constructed to a minimum height of six feet and designed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(D) Responsible party. The Commission shall determine the party responsible for construction and maintenance of screening. Generally, it will be either by the most intense use or the initial use.
(E) Location of screen walls. Screening shall be located adjacent to perimeter property lines, but on the constructing party’s property, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, which may include public rights-of-way.
(F) Design of screen walls.
(1) All screening walls located along streets in accordance with this chapter shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(2) All screening walls required by the provisions of this subchapter shall be designed and constructed using the following information:
(3) Use brick, slump block, or masonry with a stucco finish of a suitable color and design as approved by the Zoning Administrator or his or her designee;
(4) Break up the lineal expanse of the walls with a centerline, pilasters, three-wall enclosures, varying heights, the installation of extra plant materials, or varying the landscaped area contours to improve the visual impact of the wall; and
(5) Adhere to the height, location, and sight visibility triangle at street intersection requirements set forth in this chapter.
(G) Exceptions.
(1) In lieu of screen walls of six feet in height, the Planning and Zoning Commission may require alternative methods for screening uses of differing character, density, or intensity. Alternative methods may include:
(a) Open space with landscaping;
(b) Arterial or collector streets with landscaping;
(c) Landscaped earth berms (particularly with parking lots);
(d) Lower screen walls with landscaping (particularly with parking lots); and/or
(e) Other screening approved by the Commission.
(2) Alternative methods of screening shall be implemented when it is in the best interest of the affected properties and deemed by the Commission to provide more acceptable screening than provided by a screen wall.
(Res. R22-05-08, passed 5-3-2022; Ord. O22-05-02, passed 5-3-2022)