(A)   Pre-application meeting requirement.
      (1)   A pre-application meeting to discuss the nature of the proposed application, application submittal requirements, the procedure for action, and the standards for evaluation of the application shall be required for all proposed:
         (a)   General plan amendments;
         (b)   Zoning text amendments;
         (c)   Zoning map amendments (rezone);
         (d)   Planned area developments;
         (e)   Subdivisions;
         (f)   Conditional use permits;
         (g)   Site plan review; and
         (h)   Variances.
      (2)   An applicant for a project not requiring pre-application review may request, in writing to the Zoning Administrator, such review.
   (B)   Pre-application filing. Before filing any applications described by this section, the applicant shall submit a preliminary description of the proposal, accompanied by a fee specified by the adopted fee schedule, for review and comment by the Zoning Administrator and any other persons the Zoning Administrator deems appropriate. This preliminary description shall include, at minimum, a site plan and project narrative; both of sufficient scope and detail so as to allow a basic review of location, land area, land use, land use intensity, traffic generation and adjacent streets, stormwater drainage, utility service, and previous case history.
   (C)   Pre-application meeting process.
      (1)   After receipt of a proper preliminary description of the proposal, the Zoning Administrator shall schedule a pre-application meeting. At the meeting, the applicant, the Zoning Administrator or designee, and any other persons the Zoning Administrator deems appropriate to attend shall discuss the proposed development.
      (2)   Based upon the information provided by the applicant and the provisions of this chapter, the parties should discuss in general the proposed development, the applicable submittal requirements and standards of this chapter, and conditions that may be appropriate to meet the purposes and requirements of this chapter.
   (D)   Pre-application waivers. The Zoning Administrator may waive the requirement for a pre-application review based on a determination that no purpose will be served by the review. In such cases, the Zoning Administrator shall prepare a written statement setting forth the reasons for approving the waiver.
(Res. R22-05-08, passed 5-3-2022; Ord. O22-05-02, passed 5-3-2022)