   (a)   All fences, hedges or walls shall be subject to the following height regulations:
      (1)   Front yards. Hedges, fences, walls and solid fences shall not exceed thirty-six inches in height.
      (2)   Side yards. Hedges, fences and enclosures shall not exceed seventy-two inches in height.
      (3)   Rear yards. Rear yard dimensions shall apply from the back wall of the house to the rear property line, and no fence shall be higher than ninety-six inches on a level lot or 120 inches in areas where the topography is very uneven and unlevel.
   (b)   In interpreting the height of the fences referred to in this section, the height shall be measured from the existing ground elevation of the property on which the fence is to be located to the top of the fence.
(Ord. 2151. Passed 9-19-94.)
1480.04   GATES.
   All fences, hedges or walls constructed in front and rear yards must have gates and/or openings which open inwardly. The purpose of this section is to allow for exit in emergencies.
(Ord. 2151. Passed 9-19-94.)
   Storage areas in Business and Industrial Districts screened from the public right of way and/or Residential Districts which abut the Business or Industrial use may consist of evergreen plantings or architectural screens of a type as approved by Council. Such fencing shall be not less than six feet nor more than eight feet in height.
(Ord. 2151. Passed 9-19-94.)
1480.99   PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 202.99 of the Administration Code for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.)