210.01 Real estate registry.
210.02 Authorized signatories.
210.03 Compliance with Right-to-Know Law.
210.04 Disposition of records.
Preservation of certificates of election - see Borough Code § 803 (53 P.S. § 45803)
Recording, advertising and proof of ordinances; codification of ordinances - see Borough Code § 1008 (53 P.S. § 46008)
Validity of typewritten, printed, photostated and microfilmed records; recording or transcribing records - see Borough Code § 1009 (53 P.S. § 46009)
Recording of ordinances - see Borough Code §§ 1011 et seq. (53 P.S. §§ 46011 et seq.)
Responsibilities of Borough Secretary/Treasurer - see Borough Code §§ 1111 et seq. (53 P.S. §§ 46111 et seq.)
Written or telephonic bids on certain contracts to be retained - see Borough Code § 1402 (53 P.S. § 46402)
Real estate registry - see Borough Code §§ 3001 et seq. (53 P.S. §§ 48001 et seq.)
(a) Duties of Secretary/Treasurer. For the purpose of procuring accurate information, in reference to the ownership of real estate, the Secretary/Treasurer shall, under the direction of Council, cause to be made all necessary books, maps and plans as will show the situation and dimensions of each property thereon, which books, maps and plans shall be so prepared as to show the location and the name of the owner or owners thereof, with blank space for the name of the owner of each lot, and with provisions for the names of future owners and the dates of future transfers of title.
(b) Access to Records; Assistance of Engineer. For the purpose of establishing the real estate registry, the Secretary/Treasurer shall have access, without charge, to any public records wherein the necessary information may be obtainable, and may also cause a search to be made in other places for any muniments or evidences of title not reported to him or her as herein provided and requisite for the completion of such books, maps and plans. In such work, he or she shall have the assistance of the Engineer.
(c) Preservation and Keeping of Registry. Those books, maps and plans referred to in subsection (a) hereof shall be carefully preserved and shall be so kept, by additions from time to time, as to show the ownership of every lot or piece of real estate or subdivision thereof within the limits of the Borough, with the succeeding transmissions of title from the time of the commencement of those plans, but nothing contained therein shall, at any time, invalidate any Municipal or tax claim by reason of the fact that the same is not assessed or levied against the registered owner.
(d) Duty of Owners of Real Estate. All owners of real estate within the limits of the Borough, within one month after the date of the approval of original Ordinance 810, passed December 8, 1933, and every subsequent purchaser, devisee or other person, within one month after acquiring title in any manner whatsoever, to any real estate in the Borough, shall furnish to the Secretary/Treasurer, at his or her office, descriptions of their respective properties upon forms to be furnished by the Borough and, at the same time, shall present their conveyances to be stamped as evidence of the registry thereof.
(e) Duty of County Officers. The Sheriffs of Lawrence and Beaver Counties shall present for registry the deeds of all properties within the Borough sold by them at judicial sales, and the Prothonotary and Recorder of Deeds of Lawrence and Beaver Counties shall not admit for record any deed of any property in the Borough bearing a date subsequent to December 8, 1933, unless the same is first duly stamped as provided in subsection (d) hereof.
(f) Penalty. Whoever neglects or refuses to comply with this section, for a period of thirty days after public notice, shall be liable to a penalty of five dollars ($5.00), to be recovered with costs of suit in the name and for the use of the Borough as penalties of like amount are now recoverable.
(Ord. 810. Passed 12-8-33.)
(a) For purposes of legal documents, agreements and grant applications, the President of Council, the Vice President of Council and the Borough Manager or Secretary shall be authorized to sign said documents; and for purposes of deposit and/or withdrawal of Borough funds, the President, Vice President, Borough Secretary and Borough Treasurer shall be authorized to sign. All authorizations will be in effect until such authority is rescinded in writing.
(b) In matters of finance, any two of the previously named officers' signatures (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) shall be required to negotiate such transactions.
(Res. 2000-1. Passed 1-17-00.)
(a) The purpose of this policy is to assure compliance with the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. § 66.1 et seq., as amended, to provide access to the public records of the Borough, to preserve the integrity of Borough records, and to minimize the financial impact to the residents of the Borough regarding the resources utilized in the receipt and processing of public record requests and the retrieval and copying of public records.
(b) It is the policy of the Borough to require the presence of a designated employee when public records are examined and inspected and to charge reasonable fees for duplication of public records of the Borough. The Borough has designated the Borough Manager as responsible for assuring compliance with the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, according to the following guidelines:
(1) The Borough may designate certain employee(s) to process public records requests.
(2) The Borough Manager shall be responsible for minimizing, where possible, the financial impact to the Borough regarding the resources utilized in the receipt and processing of public record requests and the retrieval and copying of public records.
(3) All requests for public records of the Borough under this policy shall be specific in identifying an describing each public record requested. In no case shall the Borough be required to create a public record which does not exist or to compile, maintain, format or organize a public record in a manner in which the Borough does not currently compile, maintain, format or organize the public record. All requests for public records shall be submitted in writing and on a form provided by the Borough, as shown below, entitled "Public Record Review/Duplication Request Form".
(4) The designated employee shall make the good faith effort to determine whether each record requested is a public record.
(5) The Borough shall facilitate a reasonable response to a request for Borough public records. In no case is the Borough expected to provide extraordinary staff to respond to a request, but will respond in a manner consistent with Borough administrative responsibilities and consistent with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law.
(6) The designated employee shall respond to the requester within five business days from the date of receipt of the written request. If the Borough does not respond within five business days of receipt thereof, the request is deemed denied.
(7) The response provided by the Borough shall consist of:
A. Approval for access to the public record;
B. Review of the request by the designated employee; or
C. Denial of access to the record requested.
(8) If access to the public record requested is approved, the public record shall be available for access during the regular business hours of the Borough. The designated employee shall cooperate fully with the requester, while also taking reasonable measures to protect the Borough public records from the possibility of theft and/or modification. The presence of a designated employee is required when public records are examined and inspected.
(9) Fees for duplication of public records shall be as follows:
A. Photocopying: Twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page;
B. Duplication of public electronic and/or tape records: Actual cost to the Borough of duplicating the public record;
C. Certified copies: One dollar ($1.00) per page; and
D. Postage: Actual cost to the Borough of mailing the public record.
The Borough may, in its discretion, waive fees.
(10) In the event the estimated cost of fulfilling a request submitted under this policy is expected to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00), the designated employee(s) shall obtain 50 percent of the expected cost in advance of fulfilling the request to avoid unwarranted expense of Borough resources.
(11) If the request is being reviewed, the notice provided by the Borough shall be in writing and include the reason for the review and the expected response date, which shall be within 30 days of the notice of review. If the Borough does not respond within 30 days thereof, the request is deemed denied. Review of the request is limited situations where:
A. The record requested contains information which is subject to access, as well as information which is not subject to access that must be redacted prior to a grant of access. The redacted information is considered a denial as to that information;
B. The record requires retrieval from a remote location;
C. A timely response is necessary to determined whether a record requested is a public record;
D. A legal review is necessary to determine whether a record requested is a public record;
E. The requester has failed to comply with the Borough's policy and procedure requirements; or
F. The requester refuses to pay the applicable fees.
(12) If access to the record requested is denied, the notice provided by the Borough shall be in writing as indicated on the form shown below entitled "Denial of Request to Review and/or Duplicate Borough Records".
(13) If the request is denied or deemed denied, the requester may file exceptions with the Borough within 15 business days of the mailing date of the Borough's notice of denial, or within 15 days of a deemed denial. The exceptions must:
A. Indicate the date of the original request;
B. Identify and describe the record(s) requested;
C. State the grounds upon which the requester asserts the record(s) is a public record; and
D. Address any grounds stated by the Borough in its notice of denial.
(14) The Borough shall review the exceptions and may conduct a hearing to assist in making a final determination. A final determination will be made within 30 days of the mailing date of the exceptions, unless extended by the parties. If the denial is upheld, the decision shall contain a written explanation of the reason for denial and an explanation of the process for further appeal.
(15) This policy shall be on file in the Borough Manager's office.
Please Print Legibly
Date of Request:________________
Requester's Name: _______________________________________
Requester's Address: _______________________________________
Requester's Phone: _______________________________________
I, ______________________________, request _________________________ review duplication (check applicable boxes) of the following records. Important: You must identify or describe the records with sufficient specificity to enable the Borough to determine which records are being requested. Use additional sheets if necessary.
I certify that I am a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Signature of Requester
This request may be submitted in person, by mail or by facsimile to:
Borough of Ellwood City
c/o Borough Manager
525 Lawrence Avenue
Ellwood City, PA 16117
Phone: (724) 758-7777
Fax: (724) 758-3044
Assigned this ___________ day of _______________________, 20____.
Date Received: ________________________
Action Taken:
Approved Date of Approval: _______________________
Denied Date Notice Mailed: _______________________
Additional Review Date Notice Mailed: _______________________
Date of Denial: ______________________________
Requester's Name: ______________________________
Requester's Address: ______________________________
RE: Denial of Request to Review and/or Duplicate Borough Records
Date of Request: _________________________
Dear _________________________:
Please be advised that your request to review/duplicate the following records: ______
has been denied for the following reason(s):______________________________________
This denial is based upon the following legal authority: ___________________________
You have the right to appeal this decision. If you appeal, you must either:
1. Within fifteen (15) days of the notice of denial or deemed denial, file exceptions with the Borough in accordance with Borough policy.
If you file exceptions, the Borough has thirty (30) days in which to respond to your exceptions, unless extended by the parties. The Borough may decide to conduct a hearing within that time to assist in the making of the decision.
- OR -
2. Within thirty (30) days of the notice of denial, or within thirty (30) days of the Borough's final decision (in the event that you have filed exceptions), file a petition for review in the Lawrence/Beaver County Court of Common Pleas or bring an action in the local District Magistrate's Office.
Borough Manager
(Res. 1998-3. Passed 1-19-98; Res. 2003-3. Passed 1-20-03.)