In all locations in the Borough where official traffic-control signals are installed, pedestrians, except where directed otherwise by pedestrian-control signals installed under Section 444.01, shall obey the directions of such traffic-control signals, as follows:
(a) When facing a green signal, pedestrians may proceed across the roadway within a crosswalk.
(b) When facing a steady yellow signal, no pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway.
(c) When facing a steady red signal, no pedestrian shall enter the roadway.
(1988 Code § 7-3001)
In locations established by Council from time to time as "pedestrian crossing unlawful," no pedestrian, except where authorized by a police officer or other appropriately attired person with authority to direction, control or regulate traffic, shall cross the roadway at that location.
(1988 Code § 7-3003)
No pedestrian shall:
(a) Cross any roadway in a business district within the Borough except in a crosswalk;
(b) Cross a roadway at any place other than in a crosswalk in locations established by Council from time to time as "cross in crosswalk only."
(1988 Code § 7-3004)
Pedestrian safety zones are hereby established at the locations listed below. Such zones shall be maintained by appropriate lines, devices or markings placed upon the surface of the roadway so as to provide an area no less than five feet in width for pedestrian use. The pedestrian safety zones shall be reserved for pedestrians only and no person shall drive a vehicle in any such zone.
Pedestrian Safety Zones | ||
Street | Side | Between |
1. Beaver Avenue | South | Fifth Street and Seventh Street |
2. Bell Avenue | North | Sixth Street and Ninth Street |
3. Mount Vernon Drive | North and west | Line Avenue and Massachusettes Street |
4. Pershing Street | East | Line Avenue and Mount Vernon Drive |
(EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 420.99 for general Traffic Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.)