Sexually Oriented Businesses
114.01 Purpose and intent
114.02 Definitions
114.03 Classification
114.04 Permit and/or license required
114.05 Issuance of permit and/or license
114.06 Fees
114.07 Inspection
114.08 Expiration of permit and/or license
114.09 Suspension
114.10 Revocation
114.11 Transfer of permit and/or license
114.12 Locational restrictions
114.13 Pre-existing locations
114.14 Exterior portions of sexually oriented businesses
114.15 Signage
114.16 Persons younger than 18 prohibited from entry; attendant required
114.17 Notices
114.18 Injunction
Nude Dancing
114.30 Findings of fact
114.31 Application of other provisions
114.32 Definitions
114.33 Employee conduct
114.34 Manager, owner, operator conduct
114.35 Hours of operation
114.99 Penalty