Each advisory board will develop clear and concise language on how their meetings are to be conducted.
(A) Regular meetings. All advisory boards will meet at least quarterly. The specific date, time and location of its regularly scheduled meeting will be prescribed in the advisory board’s bylaws.
(B) Special meetings. All special and/or emergency meetings conducted by the advisory board will be called in accordance with G.S. Chapter 143, Article 33C. Proper notice will be given for the meetings and in addition, notice will be provided to and published in Town Hall by way of the advisory board’s staff liaison. The chair, vice chair or two or more members of the advisory board may call for a special or emergency meeting.
(C) Open meetings. All regular, special, emergency and recessed meetings are open to the public in accordance with G.S. Chapter 143, Article 33C. Closed session meetings may be called in accordance with G.S. § 143-318.11 and only for the listed reason(s) contained therein. Public input is encouraged at all official meetings of the advisory board.
(D) Quorum. A quorum shall be defined as a majority of the membership of the advisory board minus vacancies. A quorum is necessary for an official meeting to be held as defined by G.S. § 143-318.10(d).
(E) Minutes. All advisory boards will take minutes as defined by G.S. § 143-318.10(e). Minutes will be adopted by the advisory board and will be signed by the chair upon adoption. Official (signed) minutes will be housed and maintained at the Town Hall by the advisory board’s staff liaison. All official (signed) minutes will be available for inspection by the public. In addition, the advisory board’s staff liaison will provide a copy of the official (signed) minutes to the Town Manager who will provide the minutes to the Town Board on a monthly basis. This will serve the purpose of ensuring the Town Board is well informed on the discussions and activities of its advisory boards.
(F) Voting and conflict of interest. All advisory board members will vote on every item which has been brought to a vote unless they have been excused from voting due to a direct personal or financial interest. If a member feels he or she has a conflict of interest on a matter, the advisory board by a majority vote may excuse the member from voting and having any discussion on that issue. The minutes will reflect the member was excused by the advisory board. If a member is absent from the meeting, he or she must be officially excused by the advisory board. Otherwise, the absent member’s vote will be recorded as an affirmative vote for whatever motions are made during the meeting.
(G) Attendance. Advisory board members, albeit volunteers, must demonstrate a commitment to the advisory board on which they serve. Members who miss three consecutive meetings or 50% or more of all official meetings within a 12-month period conducted by the advisory board will be subject to removal from the advisory board by the Town Board. The recommendation for removal for the member may come from the advisory board to the Town Board, or the Town Board may take action to remove the member without the recommendation of the advisory board.
(H) Cancellation. Whenever there is no business for the advisory board to consider, the chair may cancel the regularly scheduled meeting after all members have been notified along with the local media. Notice will be posted on the door of the meeting place to inform the public of the meeting cancellation.
(Ord. eff. 9-13-2010)