111.01 Circuses and menageries
111.02 (Reserved)
111.03 Puppet and similar shows
111.04 Shows on vacant lots or land
Amusement Devices
111.15 Billiard, pool and card tables
111.16 Juke boxes and mechanical amusement devices
Dance Halls
111.25 License required
111.26 Application for license
111.27 License fee to general fund
111.28 Use prohibited on Sunday
111.29 Use prohibited after midnight
111.30 Certain types of dancing prohibited
111.31 Intoxicated persons and minors prohibited from entering
111.32 Lights
111.33 Firefighters and police to have access
111.34 Revocation of license
111.45 Rides
111.46 Shooting gallery
111.99 Penalty
(A) No circus or menagerie shall be exhibited within the city without a license from the city.
(B) All circuses, menageries or circuses and menageries combined, with 3 rings, shall pay for a license the sum of $25.
(C) All circuses, menageries or circuses and menageries combined with less than 3 rings, shall pay for a license the sum of $15.
(1979 Code, § 111.01) (Ord. 324, passed 5-13-2003) Penalty, see § 111.99
(A) No person shall open, conduct or manage any curiosity show, monstrosity, panorama, puppet show or similar amusement, for which money is demanded or received, without having obtained a city license as specified in § 111.26.
(B) The license may be had on payment to the city as follows: $1 for 1 day’s license; $5 for 1 week’s license; $10 for a month’s license. However, for musical parties or concerts and exhibitions of paintings or statuary given by any citizens of the city, no license shall be required, nor shall any license be required for any exhibition of any specimen of fine arts or for any lecture on any historic, scientific, benevolent or literary subject and apparatus for the elucidation of such an exhibition.
(1979 Code, § 111.03) (Ord. 177, passed 11-21-1824) Penalty, see § 111.99
(A) No person, firm or corporation shall conduct, operate or manage any picture show, medicine show, vaudeville or other show, exhibitions, or entertainment upon any vacant lot or parcel of land in the city without obtaining a license.
(B) No person, firm or corporation shall conduct, operate or manage any show, exhibition or entertainment upon any vacant lot in the city within 300 feet of any dwelling house, and no license shall be issued therefor.
(C) Any person, firm or corporation who shall desire to secure a license to conduct, operate or manage any picture show, medicine show, vaudeville or other show, exhibition or entertainment upon any vacant lot or parcel of land in the city shall file a written application for the license on a form prescribed by the City Controller, setting forth the name of the owner, the nature of the show or exhibition, the particular lot or location where the applicant proposes to conduct the show, the days, dates and hours when it is proposed to conduct the show or exhibition, admission fees to be charged, if any, articles to be sold, if any, and other relevant information required by the City Controller.
(D) The City Controller, upon receipt of the application shall immediately refer it to the Chief of Police for investigation as to whether the location requested is suitable and probably will not cause annoyance to the people in the neighborhood or damage to adjacent lots or lands by persons going to and from the show or exhibition and report these facts to the City Controller. No license shall be issued to an applicant unless the application has been approved by the Chief of Police.
(E) The City Controller shall issue a license to the applicant to conduct and operate the show or exhibition upon delivery of the application properly filled out and signed, together with the written approval of the Chief of Police as to the proposed location of the show or exhibition, and the payment of a license fee of $10 for 1 week or for any period less than one week.
(F) No license shall be issued for a longer period than 1 week, but any license may be renewed from week to week upon payment of the license fee and a certificate from the Chief of Police stating that during the previous week the show or exhibition licensed has been conducted in an orderly manner without annoyance to the people of the immediate neighborhood, that no valid complaint that persons going to or from the show or exhibition have caused damage or injury to private property in the neighborhood by walking or trampling on plants, shrubs and lots has been filed, and that the movement of vehicular traffic in the neighborhood has not been unduly obstructed.
(G) This section shall apply to all shows, exhibitions or entertainments conducted upon any vacant lot or parcel of land regardless of whether any admission fee is charged, demanded or received, and shall apply to all shows and exhibitions whether exhibited upon the open lot or in a tent or enclosure of any kind. However, this section shall not apply to carnivals, which are expressly prohibited from operating or exhibiting in the city by this chapter, nor to circuses which are expressly licensed under § 111.01. This section shall be in addition to any other provisions of this code providing for a license fee for theatres, shows or exhibitions in permanent buildings.
(1979 Code, § 111.04) (Ord. 1329, passed 8-20-1941) Penalty, see § 111.99