For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) ABANDONED SIGN: A sign associated with an abandoned use, a sign that remains after the termination of the business, or a sign or its immediate premises not adequately maintained and not repaired with the specified time under Section 1141.09.
(2) ANIMATED SIGN: Any sign that uses movement or change of artificial or natural lighting or noise to depict action or create a special effect or scene.
(3) ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTION: Any projection that is not intended for occupancy and that extends beyond the face of an exterior wall of a building, but that does not include signs as defined herein. See all "Awning", "Backlit Awning", and "Canopy, attached and freestanding".
(4) ATM (AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE): An electronically operated device used to conduct financial transactions on site, by means of direct computerized access. Such device may be accessible by automobile and/or pedestrians.
(5) AWNING: An architectural projection or shelter projecting from and supported by the exterior wall of a building and composed of a covering of rigid or non-rigid materials and/or fabric on a supporting framework that may be either permanent or retractable, including structures that are internally illuminated by fluorescent or other light sources.
(6) AWNING SIGN: A sign displayed on or attached flat against the surface or surfaces of an awning.
(7) BACKLIT AWNING: An awning with a translucent covering material and a source of illumination contained within its framework.
(8) BANNER: A flexible substrate on which copy or graphics may be displayed.
(9) BANNER SIGN: A sign utilizing a banner as its display surface.
(10) BENCH SIGN: Any sign painted on, located on, or attached to any part of the surface of a bench, seat, or chair placed adjacent to a public roadway.
(11) BILLBOARD: An off-premise sign owned by a company or person for the purpose of renting ad space to a specific business, product, service, entertainment or other activity sold, offered, or conducted off-site.
(12) CANOPY (ATTACHED): A multisided overhead structure or architectural projection supported by attachments to a building on one or more sides and either cantilevered from such building or also supported by columns at additional points. The surface(s) and/or soffit of an attached canopy may be illuminated by means of internal or external light sources. Also referred to as a marquee.
(13) CANOPY (FREE-STANDING): A multisided overhead structure supported by columns, but not enclosed by walls. The surface(s) and/or soffit of a free-standing canopy may be illuminated by means of internal or external sources of light.
(14) CANOPY SIGN: A sign affixed to a visible surface(s) of an attached or free-standing canopy. Also referred to as a marquee sign.
(15) CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN: A sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged by mechanical, electronic or manual means.
(16) COMMUNITY EVENT OR ACTIVITY: An event or activity that is sponsored, managed or conducted by a government agency or a public, private nonprofit or religious organization. Charitable events sponsored by for-profit organizations are also considered community activities. Examples of a community event or activity include school plays, church bazaars, a park district festival or an election.
(17) COPY: Those letters, numerals, figures, symbols, logos and graphic elements comprising the content or message of a sign.
(18) DEVELOPMENT SIGN: A temporary sign indicating such things as the names of the architects, engineers, landscape architects, contractors, or similar artisans, and the owners, financial supporters, sponsors and similar individuals or firms having a role or interest with respect to the development, structure, or project. This includes both private and public projects.
(19) DIRECTIONAL SIGN: A temporary or permanent sign that provides information regarding location, instructions for use, or functional/directional data.
(20) ELECTRONIC SCOREBOARD: An electronically-controlled changeable copy sign used to display scoring information for sporting events. Such signs are located on the sports field.
(21) ENTRY FEATURE SIGN: An on-premise ground mounted sign that graphically identifies a residential subdivision and/or multifamily development. For commercial properties, see Joint Identification Sign.
(22) ESTABLISHED GRADE LINE: The average finished grade for that area of the site where the sign is located provided however that the height of the sign shall not be artificially increased by the use of mounding. All references to sign height are from the established grade line unless otherwise noted.
(23) FLAG: Any fabric or bunting containing the officially recognized and adopted colors, patterns, or symbols used as the official symbol of a government, political or corporate entity.
(24) FLASHING SIGN: Any directly or indirectly illuminated sign that exhibits changing natural or artificial light or color effects by any means whatsoever.
(25) FREE-STANDING SIGN: Any sign that is physically attached to a foundation. These are commonly known as ground, pole, pylon, or monument signs.
(26) GAS INFLATABLE SIGN/DEVICE: Any device that is capable of being expanded by any gas and used on a permanent or temporary basis to attract attention to a product or event. This definition includes both hot and cold-air balloons tethered or otherwise anchored to the ground.
(27) GOVERNMENTAL SIGN: A sign erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any governmental functions as required by law, ordinance, or other government regulation.
(28) GROUND SIGN: See Free-Standing Sign.
(29) ILLUMINATED SIGN: Any sign lighted by or exposed to artificial lighting either by light on or in the sign or directed toward the sign.
(30) INFORMATION SIGN: A sign displaying necessary information for the convenience and safety of residents and visitors, and containing no advertising.
(31) JOINT IDENTIFICATION SIGN: A sign that identifies the name, through type, graphics, or other symbols, of a shopping center, office park, industrial park, or other building complex containing three or more uses on the same lot, allowed in addition to the permitted signs of the individual occupants.
(32) MENU BOARD: A free-standing sign orientated to the drive-through lane for a restaurant that advertises the menu items available from the drive-through window, and which has no more than twenty (20) percent of the total area for such a sign utilized for business identification.
(33) MONUMENT SIGN: A sign attached to a wall or a base constructed specifically for the display of the sign.
(34) NON-CONFORMING SIGN: A pre-existing legal or illegal sign that does not conform to the standards set forth in this chapter.
(35) OFF-PREMISE: Signs that are off the business premise.
(36) OPEN HOUSE: A temporary public showing of a structure available for sale, rental, or lease.
(37) PENNANT: A flag or banner longer in the fly than in the hoist, usually tapering to a point.
(38) PERMANENT SIGN: Any permitted or legal nonconforming sign intended to remain in place until a change of occupancy occurs. A permanent sign must be securely attached or installed upon a building, structure, or the ground.
(39) POLE SIGN: See Free-Standing Sign.
(40) PORTABLE SIGN: Any sign that is designed to be or capable of being moved or transported, and not permanently affixed or attached to any building, structure, or grounds.
(41) PRODUCT SIGN: A Sign typically located in a window, advertising a product or service offered by a business.
(42) PROJECTED IMAGE: An image projected onto a building, structure, or sign.
(43) PROJECTING SIGNS: A sign other than a wall sign that is attached to or projects more than eighteen (18) inches from a building face or wall, or from a structure whose primary purpose is other than the support of a sign.
(44) PROMOTIONAL SIGNS: A temporary sign that provides information regarding time, place, and the like of a special event, community activity or similar activity.
(45) PYLON SIGN: See Free-Standing Sign.
(46) REAL ESTATE SIGN: A temporary sign advertising the sale, lease or rental of the property or premises upon which it is located.
(47) REFACING: Any alteration to the face of a sign involving the replacement of materials or parts. Refacing does not refer to replacing the entire sign structure or the removal of the sign.
(48) ROOF LINE: The uppermost line or point of the facade or parapet of a flat roof structure, or the lower edge of an eave, gable or rake of a sloped roof structure.
(49) ROOF SIGN: Any sign erected on or above the roof line of a building.
(50) SANDWICH BOARD SIGN: A sign with two hinged boards that can be placed on the ground.
(51) SIGN: A sign is defined as any name, number, symbol, identification, description, display, illustration, object, graphic, sign structure, or part thereof, whether permanent or temporary, which is affixed to, painted on, or represented directly or indirectly upon, or projected onto a building, structure, lot, or other device, whether mobile or affixed to the ground, and which directs attention to any object, product, place, activity, person, institution, organization or business. This definition includes all signs visible from any public right-of-way or adjacent property, including interior signs oriented towards the exterior facade of any building or structure as well as back-lighted translucent panels or strip lighting affixed to any wall or roof where any such panels or lighting serves to identify a business and attract attention rather than to illuminate space for human activity.
(52) SIGN FACE: The surface intended for the display of information on the sign.
(53) SIGN SETBACK: The distance from the property line and/or right-of-way to the nearest part of the applicable building, structure, or sign, measuring perpendicularly to the property line and/or right-of-way line.
(54) SIGN STRUCTURE: The supporting unit of a sign face, including but not limited to frames, braces and poles.
(55) STREAMER: A ribbon-shaped or cord-like rope that may have pennants and/or banners attached and which is stretched or hung between two or more supports.
(56) TEMPORARY SIGN: A sign intended to display either commercial or noncommercial messages of a transitory or temporary nature. Any sign not permanently embedded in the ground, or not permanently affixed to a building or sign structure that is permanently embedded in the ground, is considered a temporary sign.
(57) TRAILBLAZER SIGN: A government sign identifying company logos for lodging, gasoline stations, restaurants and other such establishments.
(58) TRAILER SIGN: Any sign that is attached to, supported by, or part of a structure that is designed to move on trailer wheels, skids, or other similar devices, or transported, pushed, or pulled by a motor vehicle.
(59) UNDER CANOPY OR UNDER MARQUEE SIGN: A sign attached to the underside of a canopy or marquee.
(60) WALL SIGN: Any sign attached to or erected against the inside or outside wall of a building or structure, with the exposed display surface of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of the building or structure and extending less than eighteen (18) inches from the building or structure.
(61) WINDOW SIGN: Any signs, posters, symbols and other types of identification or information about the use of premises directly attached to the window of a building or erected on the inside of the building and visible from any public right-of-way or adjacent property.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
The erection or location of any sign within the Village of Elida shall require a Zoning Permit unless otherwise specified in Section 1141.05. In addition, signs over nine (9) feet in height and/or thirty-two (32) square feet shall require a Building Permit. Exemptions from the necessity of securing a zoning or building permit, however, shall not be construed to relieve the owner of the sign involved from responsibility for its erection and maintenance in a safe manner and a manner in accordance with all the other provisions of this chapter.
(a) When applying for a Zoning Permit for a sign, the following materials must be submitted:
(1) A completed application and fee for each requested sign, signed by the owner of the premises upon which the sign is to be displayed.
(2) Scale elevation drawing(s) of proposed sign(s) showing the design proposed, the materials used, the sign dimensions, the size, style, color and lettering type, lines and symbols and method of illumination.
(3) Construction details, foundation and anchorage details, stresses and loads, and engineering calculations signed and sealed by a registered design professional when required by the Ohio Building Code.
(4) A dimensioned site plan showing the exact location of proposed sign(s) in relation to adjacent buildings, lot lines or other structures.
(5) For free-standing signs, a sign base plan. Applications for a Building Permit for a sign must be submitted to the local certified building department, and shall include the approved Zoning Permit and the applicable fee and submittals required by the building department.
(b) Fees. The applicant for a Zoning Permit shall pay such fees as are prescribed by the Village of Elida. Such fees shall be prescribed annually, or more often, by the Village Council.
(c) Inspection. All signs and billboards erected within this Village are subject to inspection, whether a Permit is required or not, prior to erection. The Village Zoning Inspector, or any other official of the Village, is hereby authorized to enter upon any property or premises to ascertain whether the provisions of this chapter are being complied with. Such inspection may be made at any reasonable time and the Village Zoning Inspector shall order the removal of any sign or billboard that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(d) Removal of Signs. The Village Zoning Inspector shall effect removal of any illegally placed sign and its supporting structures within the right-of-way of any road within this Village, or sign for which no required Permit has been issued. The Zoning Inspector shall reasonably retain said sign and shall attempt to notify the owner thereof of its location. If the owner of any sign fails to claim the same within forty-five (45) days after notice by the Zoning Inspector, said sign may be destroyed. Any abandoned sign that no longer applies to the property on which it is situated, or a dangerous or materially, electrically or structurally defective sign shall be declared a public nuisance and the procedure for removal of signs shall be applied.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
The following requirements shall apply to all permanent and temporary signs located and erected within the Village regardless of type, style, location, design or other classification.
(a) Conformance to Codes. Any sign erected hereafter shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and the provisions of the Ohio Building Code and of any other ordinance or regulation within this jurisdiction.
(b) Location. No sign shall be located nor project into the right-of-way of any public or private road within the Village. Signs shall not prevent free ingress to or free egress from any door, window or fire escape. Said sign or signs shall be located in strict compliance with this chapter.
No sign shall be permitted in the Village of Elida that interferes with the visibility of pedestrian or vehicular traffic entering, leaving or operating on thoroughfares. Refer to illustration A for specific minimum sight triangle clearance requirements.
(c) Size. The surface area of a sign shall be computed as including the entire area within a regular geometric form or combination of regular geometric forms comprising all of the display area of the sign and including all of the elements of the matter displayed. Frames, bracing and structural members shall not be included in the computation of the surface area unless such support members are made a part of the message or face of the sign. Architectural features of a building and nonstructural or decorative trim and areas separated from the background surface upon which the sign copy is displayed by a distinct delineation, such as a reveal or border, are also not included in the surface area of a sign. Where a sign has two (2) or more display faces, the areas of all faces of the sign shall be included in determining the area of the sign, unless the two (2) faces are joined back to back, are parallel to each other and not more than twenty-four (24) inches apart. In the case of a sphere, the area shall be two (2) times the area of a circle. In the case of panel or cabinet signs, the sign face shall include the entire area of the sign panel, cabinet or face substrate upon which the sign copy is displayed or illustrated, but not open space between separate panels or cabinets. In the case of sign structures with routed areas of sign copy, the sign face shall include the entire area of the surface that is routed, except where interrupted by a reveal, border, or a contrasting surface or color. In the case of signs painted on a building, or individual letters or graphic elements affixed to a building or structure, the sign face shall be considered to be that of the smallest single rectangle which encompasses the letters or separate graphic elements comprising the sign copy, but not open space between separate groupings of sign copy on the same building or structure.
(d) Height. No sign shall be erected to a greater height than permitted by the specific provisions of this chapter. If no maximum height is otherwise set forth, no sign shall be erected at a height greater than twenty (20) feet. The height of a sign shall be the distance from the established grade line at the base of the sign to the highest point of the sign or sign structure.
(e) Design.
(1) Signs. Shall not use the words "STOP", "LOOK", "DANGER", or other similar words that may mislead or confuse traffic.
(2) Traffic safety-colors, etc. Display signs shall not closely resemble or approximate emergency vehicles, or the shape, form and/or color of official traffic signs, signals and devices.
(f) Lighting. If illuminated, signs shall be illuminated only by the following means:
(1) By a white steady, stationary light of reasonable intensity directed solely at the sign and shielded or otherwise prevented from beaming directly onto adjacent properties or street.
(2) By white interior light of reasonable intensity with logos and/or letters lit or silhouetted on a translucent background. No additional lighting shall be permitted.
(3) Non-flashing neon.
(4) Digital message board.
The level of illumination emitted or reflected from a sign shall not be of an intensity sufficient to constitute a demonstrable hazard to vehicular traffic on any right-of-way or parking lot from which the sign may be viewed. Light trespass from illuminated signage that extends ten (10) feet beyond the right-of-way or property line of the site shall not exceed one-half (0.5) foot candle in residential areas and one (1 .0) foot candle in all other districts.
(g) Structure. All signs shall be so constructed that they will withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty (30) pounds per square foot of surface and will be otherwise fastened, suspended or supported so that they will not be a menace to persons or property. Signs subject to the Ohio Building Code must also conform to applicable provisions therein.
(h) Maintenance. All signs shall be maintained in safe and sound structural condition at all times and shall be presentable. All signs shall be free of rust or corrosion, exposed wiring, chipped paint or faces, cracked, broken, or missing faces, or loose materials. The Zoning Inspector shall cause the removal of any off-premises advertising signs or structure found to be unsafe or structurally unsound within ten (10) days of issuing a notification. The Zoning Inspector shall cause the removal of any on-premise sign which is determined to be unsafe or structurally unsound within ten (10) days of issuance of notification.
(i) Visibility. Any interior window sign visible from the outside shall be considered an exterior sign and shall be subject to all provisions of the Village of Elida Zoning Ordinance.
(j) Multi-Tenant Properties. For all buildings or complexes designed and/or intended for multi-tenant usage, a total sign plan conforming to the requirements of this chapter must be submitted to the Zoning Inspector or designee before any sign permit for the complex or individual tenant will be issued. The sign plan shall address, at a minimum the following:
(1) Proposed sign locations;
(2) Materials;
(3) Type of illumination;
(4) Design of free-standing structures;
(5) Size;
(6) Quantity; and,
(7) Uniform standards for non-business signage, including directional and informational signs.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
The following signs shall be permitted in the Village subject to the regulations set forth herein. No permit shall be required for any sign constructed or erected under the terms of this chapter. Under no circumstances shall the signs be located in the road right-of-way nor illuminated in any manner. No sign shall have more than two (2) sides. All signs shall comply with requirements listed in this chapter.
(a) Real Estate Signs. For sale, lease or rent of the premises on which the sign is located shall be limited to one sign per street frontage. Such signs shall not be il1uminated and shal1 not exceed six (6) square feet of area per side. All such signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days after occupancy. See Section 1141.06 Permit Required - for signs larger than six (6) square feet on parcels greater than fifteen (15) acres.
(b) Directional Signs. Directional or other incidental signs pertaining to vehicular or pedestrian control on private property, provided the said signs are located outside the right-of-way of any public street or road, shal1 be permitted provided said signs do not exceed four ( 4) square feet of area per side, do not exceed four (4) feet in height, and do not interfere or obstruct visibility when entering or leaving property. In I-1 and I-2 zones, the height may be increased to five (5) feet. Such signs may contain information such as "in", "enter", "entrance", "out", "exit", "do not enter" or similar language as approved by the Zoning Inspector. Arrows indicating desired traffic movement may also be used for directional signage. No more than twenty-five (25) percent of the area of any directional signage shall be permitted to be devoted to business identification or logo, which area shall not be assessed against the permitted sign area. No more than one directional sign shall be permitted per street entrance to any lot. Directional signs must be on the property to which they refer. Off-site directional signage shall require a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(c) Name and Address of Occupant of residential property, not to include designations as to employment or home occupation, and to be limited in size to no more than two (2) square feet in area per side. No more than one (1) sign shall be permitted.
(d) Temporary Signs for Community Activities and Events shall be permitted in any district of the Village provided the said signs are located outside the right-of-way and that said signs:
(1) Shall not interfere with visibility of traffic entering or leaving the highway;
(2) Are erected or posted not more than sixty (60) days prior to an event and are removed within seven (7) days following said event;
(3) Are capable of posting and removal without destruction of public or private property;
(4) Are not attached to any structures including utility poles, light poles, and fences;
(5) Designate the name and address of the landowner and/or person and committee charged with removal of the sign; and,
(6) Shall not exceed five (5) feet in height and thirty-two (32) square feet in area per side.
Such signs include signs for the promotion of school, community service or church activities or a community event or election. The location of the sign shall be in conformance with the requirements of Section 1141.04. No one sponsor shall display such promotional signs for more than ninety (90) days in any one (1) year.
(e) Farm Signs denoting the name and address of the occupants, denoting produce or products for sales on the premises and denoting membership in organizations. No more than two (2) signs of any type may be permitted. Advertising signs may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet of area per side and all other signs shall be limited to six (6) square feet per side. Farm signs are permitted only on the agricultural property and on parcels of ten (I 0) acres or larger in size.
(f) Business/Professional Signs. One (1) sign having not more than four (4) square feet of display area on or over a show window or door of a store or business establishment, announcing without display or elaboration, only the name of the proprietor and the nature of the business.
(g) Public Use Facilities. Signs designating public uses or facilities shall be in conformity with this chapter.
(h) Each and Every Premise within the Village of Elida shall be easily identified by street numbers visible from the street to assist emergency response personnel.
(i) Historical Signs, Commemorative Plaque or Cornerstones placed by recognized historical agencies, provided that such signs are less than nine (9) square feet in area and not illuminated. Personal memorial signs shall not be restricted if not in excess of two (2) square feet or if not visible from the public right-of-way.
(j) Yard, Garage or Moving Sales. A sign advertising the sale of personal property may be temporarily erected on the same lot as the sale provided such sign is not located in the right-of-way of any public street or road and shall not interfere or obstruct visibility when entering or leaving property. The signs must be removed on the last day of the sale, not to exceed seven (7) days nor more than twenty-one (21) days in a year or a permit is required.
(k) Construction Signs. Signs identifying a construction project may be temporarily erected upon the same lot as the project. Such signs shall be permitted only for the length of the construction project or for eighteen (18) months whichever is shorter. Any extension past the eighteen (18) months shall be subject to approval by the Zoning Inspector. Construction signs shall contain only the name of the construction project, the construction firm(s), the engineer, the architect and/or the subcontractors involved in the project, the address of the project and/or the lot number. Signs can be erected up to sixty (60) days maximum prior to the beginning of construction. Only one (1) construction sign shall be permitted per project. Maximum sign area permitted shall be six (6) square feet for each single dwelling unit for residential structures up to a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet per side for all principal structures. All signs shall be set back from the street right-of-way per Section 1141.10(c).
(l) Signs for Home Occupation. One (1) sign per residence no larger than two (2) square feet shall be permitted for the purpose of announcing a home occupation which has complied with all of the requirements of the Village of Elida Zoning Ordinance.
(m) Property Control Signs. (No Hunting, Keep Off the Grass, etc.) shall be permitted not to exceed two (2) square feet in size.
(n) Window Signage with a total area of less than two (2) square feet and bearing only information about entry and exit, business hours and/or discount and credit systems accepted in that establishment (e.g., American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Golden Buckeye Card).
(o) Signs Incorporated in a Window Display of a business other than those addressed in subsection (n) hereof, provided such window display signs are:
(1) Limited to forty (40) percent of the total first floor window area;
(2) Placed only in ground floor level windows; and
(p) Flags, Pennants or Insignia of any nation, state, city, or other political unit.
(q) Signs of a duly constituted governmental body, including traffic or similar regulatory devices, legal notices, or warnings at railroad crossing.
(r) Holiday Signs: Signs clearly in the nature of decorations customarily associated with any holiday, to be limited to an aggregate total of sixty (60) days in any one (1) year, and to be displayed not more than sixty (60) consecutive days. Such signs may be illuminated, providing no safety or visibility hazards are caused by such illumination. Animated and flashing holiday signs are permitted for residential uses only, providing no safety or visibility hazards are caused by such illumination.
(s) Security System Sign displaying information about the security system protecting buildings or property, provided that such signs do not exceed one (1) square foot in area.
(t) Construction Trailer Signs painted on or affixed to construction trailers, vans, or other vehicles temporarily in use on a construction site.
(u) Religious Symbols shall not be restricted.
(v) Works of Art shall not be restricted provided they do not contain advertising messages other than the name of the artist and/or sponsor. Such message area shall not exceed two (2) square feet.
(w) Transit Shelter Signage customarily applied to public transit facilities by the transit authority shall be permitted.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
The following signs shall be permitted upon obtaining a written permit in areas clearly delineated herein and subject to the reasonable regulations set forth herein:
(a) Real Estate Signs in all Zoning Districts. On Parcels exceeding fifteen (15) acres, one (1) sign not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per side and eight (8) feet in height. Signs identifying a property for sale, rent or lease may be placed on-site until thirty (30) days after occupancy. Where a parcel has frontages on two (2) or more roads, one (1) sign may be permitted on each road on review of the Zoning Inspector. Such signs shall not be illuminated and shall be set back from the public right-of-way a minimum of ten (10) feet. Said signs may remain on a premise for a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months without renewal.
(b) Subdivision Sale Signs. One (1) sign providing information on the sale of lots within an approved and recorded subdivision may be placed at each entrance to the subdivision until ninety (90) percent of the lots within the subdivision are sold. Subdivision sale signs shall contain only the name of the subdivision, the name of the owner, the name of the developer and information regarding price, terms and the location and telephone number of the sales office. All such signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet and shall be set back from the right-of-way a minimum of (10) feet.
(c) Model Home Signs. One (1) sign per model home providing information on the builder, telephone number, and hours of operation. Signs shall be no more than six (6) square feet per side, no more than two (2) sides and may be placed on the property until ninety (90) percent of the lots within the subdivision are sold.
(d) Permanent Subdivision Identification Signs. in all zoning districts shall be limited to two (2) signs per entrance along major thoroughfares and shall not obstruct the visibility at any intersection. Such signs shall contain only the name of the subdivision they identify. The signs shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height, nor shall they exceed thirty-two (32) square feet on either side, and shall be properly maintained. Identification signs shall not contain any advertising of products or changeable copy.
(e) Seasonal Business. One (1) sign per street frontage is allowed for a seasonal business. Such signs are limited to thirty-two (32) square feet in area and ten (10) feet in height. They must set back as least eight (8) feet from any public right-of-way. Seasonal business signs may be displayed fifteen (15) days prior to opening the business and shall be removed within seven (7) days of when the business closes for the year.
(f) Gasoline Stations. Gasoline stations, whose principal business is the sale of motor fuel, may display signs in addition to those herein authorized and any other signs as may be required by law.
(g) Drive-Thru Menu Board Signs. A drive-thru menu board sign is permitted when located on the property to which it refers. The size of the sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet.
(h) Business or Manufacturing Wall Signs. Wall signs are permitted for any business or use and shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) The maximum allowable sign face for wall signs shall be one (1) square foot for every lineal foot of width of the building face to which the sign is attached, but shall not exceed the maximum size allowed for the use as shown in Section 1141.10(c). The maximum height for a wall sign shall be fifteen ( 15) feet, measured from the established grade line to the top of the sign, but in no case extending above the roof line of the building.
(2) Wall signs shall be limited in number to one (1) per building or use. For buildings or uses on corner lots having at least one hundred (100) feet of lot frontage on each of two (2) public rights-of-way, a second wall sign is permitted facing the second right-of-way. Each sign is limited to one (1) square foot for every lineal foot of width of the building face to which the sign is attached, not exceeding the installed maximum size allowed in Section 1141.10(c). The distance between the signs shall not be less than two-thirds the length of the longest elevation to which the sign is attached. The distance will be measured by two (2) straight lines along the elevations of the building, from edge of sign to edge of sign. In no case shall two (2) wall signs be closer than twenty (20) feet apart. The provision for a second sign does not apply to individual tenants in a multi-tenant building.
(3) All wall signs shall be mounted on the building that houses the business establishment advertised by such signs, except as otherwise specifically authorized by this chapter. Such signs shall be located on or along one (1) wall of such building which faces a street, parking lot or service drive, and shall not project above the roof line or the cap of parapets of such building, whichever is higher. Signs may be erected on a wall that is an extension of a building wall that faces a street, parking lot or service drive, provided that the design and construction of such extension are architecturally compatible with the building and such wall does not extend beyond any required building setback line of the building to which such extension wall is attached. The display area of the sign must be located either on the wall or extension. It may not be located on both. All such signs shall be parallel to the wall on which they are installed, and shall not project more than eighteen (18) inches from such wall; and
(4) The function of such sign shall be relevant to the use of the property on which it is located.
(i) Free-Standing Signs in Business and Manufacturing Districts. A freestanding sign shall be permitted for any business or use based on the following conditions:
(1) The maximum allowable size of a free-standing sign in a B-1 or B- 2 District shall be such that the total of wall signage and freestanding signage does not exceed the maximum size allowed in Section 1141.10(c), and in no case shall it exceed thirty-two (32) square feet;
(2) In an M-1 or M-2 District, the maximum allowable size of a freestanding sign shall be fifty (50) square feet;
(3) The maximum height of such signs shall not exceed twenty (20) feet above the established grade line or twenty (20) feet above the grade at the edge of the street, whichever is greater, but in no case shall the height exceed twenty (20) feet;
(4) Not more than one (1) free-standing sign may be authorized for any one (1) operation or establishment. Where more than one (1) operation or establishment is located on a single tract of land, having an entrance or parking area or areas used in common by the customers of such operations or establishments, only one (1) free-standing sign may be authorized for the entire tract. Refer to subsection (n) hereof for additional requirements for Joint Identification Signs.
(5) No part of such sign will be closer to any street right-of-way line than fifteen (15) feet. No sign or its supporting structure shall be any closer to any other property line than the applicable building setback line; and,
(6) The function of such sign shall be relevant to the use of the property on which it is located.
(j) Projecting Signs shall be permitted in lieu of freestanding signage along any street frontage limited to one (1) sign per occupancy along any street frontage with public entrance to such occupancy. Requirements regarding permitted locations, maximum size and height, setback and permit requirements shall be the same as for free-standing signs in business and industrial districts (refer to subsection (i) hereof). Projecting signs shall maintain a clear vertical distance above any sidewalk or pedestrian way a minimum of nine (9) feet.
(k) Under Canopy Signs. Under canopy signs shall be allowed in any B-1 or B-2 District, subject to the following conditions:
(1) Under canopy signs shall be limited to no more than one (1) such sign per public entrance to any occupancy, and shall be limited to an area not to exceed four (4) square feet;
(2) Such signs shall maintain a clear vertical distance above any sidewalk or pedestrian way a minimum of nine (9) feet; and,
(3) Under canopy sign copy area shall be deducted from the allowable area for wall signage provided in subsection (h) hereof.
(1) Outdoor Display of Merchandise. Outdoor displays of merchandise for sale and visible from the public right-of-way or from adjoining properties shall be limited to twenty (20) percent of the entire area of a property. This requirement shall not apply to landscape plant material sales or automobile and truck sales and rentals. Signs related to the sale of outdoor displays of merchandise shall be limited to one (1) per street frontage and the area of such signs shall be limited to six (6) square feet and shall not exceed five (5) feet in height. Such signs will be permitted only in B-1 and B-2 Districts.
(m) Temporary Special Event and Grand Opening Signs. Signs temporarily displayed to advertise special promotions, events, grand openings shall be permitted in B-1 and B-2 Districts subject to the following limitations:
(1) Such signs shall be limited to one (1) per lot;
(2) Such signs may be displayed for not more than thirty (30) days in any three (3) month period, and not more than sixty (60) days in any calendar year. The signs shall be erected no more than thirty (30) days prior to the event or grand opening, and shall be removed not more than one (1) day after the event or grand opening; and,
(3) The total area of such signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet and eight (8) feet in height.
(n) Joint Identification Sign. One free-standing sign identifying the name of a shopping center or other building complex shall be permitted, if there are multiple uses sharing the same site. The sign face area of a joint identification sign dedicated to the identity of the development shall not exceed (32) square feet. The sign face area of the sign dedicated to the identification of the individual occupants shall be twelve (12) square feet for each of the individual occupants of the development, with the total area of the sign not to exceed ninety (90) square feet and twenty (20) feet in height. A second joint identification sign of the same height and size is permitted if the site has frontage on two (2) streets. The signs shall be no closer than two hundred (200) feet. A total sign plan conforming to the requirements of this chapter must be submitted to the Zoning Inspector or designee before any sign permit for the complex or individual tenant will be issued.
(o) ATM' s: Signage for all ATM's (Automated Teller Machines) shall not be assessable against the allowable area for wall signage permitted in subsection (h) hereof. Such signage shall not exceed six (6) square feet per ATM.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
Any sign not specifically permitted in this chapter shall require a variance or conditional use permit from the Board of Zoning Appeals as provided in Chapter 1149.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
The following signs shall be prohibited in the Village of Elida:
(a) Signs not otherwise specifically authorized by this chapter, signs installed without a required permit or zoning certificate, or signs installed which do not meet applicable regulations.
(b) Signs or advertising erected and maintained on trees or painted or drawn upon rocks or other natural features.
(c) No sign or billboard shall be painted directly upon the roof of any building or structure except identification signs on agricultural buildings.
(d) Advertising devices that attempt, or appear to attempt, to direct the movement of traffic, or which interfere with, imitate or resemble an official sign, signal or device.
(e) No signs shall be posted, attached, mounted or otherwise applied on traffic control signs, street signs, traffic signal poles, utility poles, or any other unapproved supporting structure.
(f) No vehicle, trailer, or equipment of any type may be parked permanently for more than thirty (30) days on a business premise or a lot for the purposes of advertising a business, product, service, event, object, location, organization or the like. A vehicle or trailer may be exempted from this restriction if the vehicle or trailer is in operating condition, currently registered and licensed to operate on public streets when applicable, and actively used or available for use in the daily function of the business to which such signs relate. Vehicles and trailers shall not be used primarily as static displays, advertising a product or service, nor utilized as storage, shelter or distribution points for commercial products or services for the general public.
(g) No sign shall be located on a vacant lot, except for the purpose of advertising the lot for sale or lease, or for such purpose as the notification of a present danger or the prohibition of trespassing.
(h) Signs may not be installed in any public right-of-way unless specifically authorized by the Village Administrator. Signs may not be installed in any utility easement.
(i) Billboards. (Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)