   When signs are erected giving notice thereof, all streets at the following intersections shall be stop streets. Drivers of all vehicles shall stop, as required by state law, before entering the described intersection.
Multiway Stop Intersections
Multiway Stop Intersections
900 North and 250 West
Bryan Street and Holland Street
Campbell Street and Keeley Street
Campbell Street and Main Street
Campbell Street and Eisenhower Drive
Campbell Street and Holland Street
Center Cross Street and Harrell Drive
Center Cross Street and Franklin Street
Center Cross Street and Kyle Street
Clay Street and Shelby Street
County Line Road and Walnut Street
Franklin Street and Shelby Street
Harrell Drive and Cambridge Lane
Harrell Drive and Shelby Street
Holland Street and Thompson Street
Hougham Street and Pleasant Street
Keeley Street and Thompson Street
Kyle Street and Main Cross Street
Kyle Street and Ward Street
Lind Drive and East Main Cross Street
Main Street and County Line Road
Main Street and Thompson Street
Main Cross Street and Pleasant Street
Memorial and Fairlane Streets
Memorial Drive and Prosser Drive
Pleasant Street and Campbell Street
Pleasant Street and Thompson Street
Prosser and Sunset Streets
Shelby Street and Lincoln Street
Ward Street and West Park Drive
The intersection of the following two alleys: An alley running north and south between Thompson and West Main Cross Street, known as "Coleman's Alley", and an alley that runs east and west between Main and Walnut Streets. Said intersection being approximately in the center of a block bounded by West Main Cross, Walnut, Thompson, and Main Streets.
(Ord. 1981-6, passed 6-9-81; Am. Ord. 1987-7, passed 7-27-87; Am. Ord. 1988-14, passed 10-24-88; Am. Ord. 1988-18, passed 12-12-88; Am. Ord. 1989-5, passed 5-22-89; Am. Ord. 1991-12, passed 10-28-91; Am. Ord. 1992-2, passed 8-10-92; Am. Ord. 1993-6, passed 8-30-93; Am. Ord. 1999-4, passed 10-25-99; Am. Ord. 2001-9, passed 7-23-01; Am. Ord. 2002-7, passed 9-9-02; Am. Ord. 2002-9, passed 9-23-02; Am. Ord. 2010-8, passed 6-28-10; Am. Ord. 2021-16, passed 8-9-21; Am. Ord. 2022-6, passed 6-27-22) Penalty, see § 70.99
   When signs are erected giving notice thereof, the streets at the following intersections shall be stop-streets. Drivers of all vehicles on those streets shall stop, as required by state law, before entering the described intersection.
Bachelor Street                  Clay Street
Bachelor Street                  Franklin Street
Bachelor Street                  Lincoln Street
Bitum Street                     Walnut Street
Breeding Street                  Eisenhower Driver
Breeding Street                  Pleasant Street
Brown Street                     Main Street
Bryan Street                     Main Street
Bryan Street                     Roosevelt Street
Bryan Street                     Walnut Street
Campbell Street                  Holland Street
Campbell Street                  Kyle Street
Campbell Street                  North Park Drive
Campbell Street                  Pedestrian crossing immediately north of main entrance to Edinburgh Community High School Walnut Street
Center Cross Street                  Grant Street
Center Cross Street                  Harrell Drive
Center Cross Street                  Lincoln Street
Center Cross Street                  Lind Drive (County Line Road)
Center Park Drive                  North Park Drive
Clark Street                     Eisenhower Drive
Clay Street                     Center Cross Street
Clay Street                     Main Cross Street
Clay Street                     Thompson Street
County Line Road                  Eisenhower Drive
County Line Road                  Conrail RR Crossing
County Line Road (westbound)            Kyle Street
Ducan Street (southbound)            County Line Road
East Park Drive                  North Park Road
East Park Drive                  Thompson Street
East Park Drive                  North Park Drive
Fairlane Drive                  High School Drive
Fairlane Drive                  Memorial Drive
Fairlane Drive                  Sunset Drive
Franklin Street                  Main Cross Street
Fulford Drive                     Eisenhower Drive
Fulford Drive                     Memorial Drive
Grant Street                     Campbell Street
Grant Street                     Main Cross Street
Grant Street                     Thompson Street
Grant Street                     Toner Street
Harrell Drive (north and southbound)         Center Cross Street
Harrell Drive                     Main Cross Street
Harrison Street                  Holland Street
Hart Street                     Main Street
Hart Street                     Pleasant Street
Hendricks Street                  Holland Street
Hendricks Street                  Walnut Street
High School Dr.                  Eisenhower Dr.
High School Dr. (eastbound)            Fairlane Drive
High School Dr. (westbound)            Fairlane Drive
Holland Street                  County Line Road
Hougham Street                  Eisenhower Drive
Hougham Street                  Keeley Street
Huff Street                     Eisenhower Drive
Industrial Drive (eastbound)            Walnut Street
Industrial Drive (westbound)            Main Street
Keeley Street                  Hougham Street
Keeley Street (southbound)            Breeding Street
King Street                     Clay Street
King Street                     Franklin Street
King Street                     Grant Street
King Street                     Lincoln Street
Kyle Street                     County Line Road
Kyle Street (northbound)               Toner Street
Lind Drive                     Main Cross Street
Lincoln Street                  Main Cross Street
Lincoln Street                  Toner Street
Main Street                     County Line Road
Main Street                     County Road 900 North
Main Street (southbound)               Union Street
Manuel Street                  Hougham Street
Manuel Street                  Eisenhower Drive
Memorial Drive                  Eisenhower Drive
Meyer Street                     Morris Street
Meyer Street                     Waltz Street
Middle Drive                     East Park Drive
Middle Drive                     West Park Drive
Morris Street                     Eisenhower Drive
Morris Street (eastbound)               Main Street (does not stop)
Naomi Street                     Kyle Street
Perry Street                     Holland Street
Perry Street                     Keeley Street
Perry Street                     Kyle Street
Perry Street                     Main Street
Perry Street                     Walnut Street
Perry Street                     West Park Drive
Pleasant Street                  County Line Road
Pleasant Street                  Morris Street
Pleasant Street                  Perry Street
Plum Street                     Main Street
Plum Street                     Walnut Street
Prosser Drive                  High School Drive
Prosser Drive                  Sunset Drive
Roosevelt Avenue                  County Line Road
Roosevelt Street                  County Line Road
Shelby Street (eastbound)               Harrell Drive
Shelby Street                  Lincoln Street
Shelby Street                  Lind Drive (County Line Road)
Sunset Drive                     Eisenhower Drive
Thompson Street                  Kyle Street
Thompson Street                  Walnut Street
Toner Street                     Clay Street
Toner Street                     Franklin Street
Union Street (westbound)               Main Street
Union Street                     Walnut Street
Waltz Street                     Eisenhower Drive
Waltz Street                     Main Street
Waltz Street                     Pleasant Street
Ward Street                     Holland Street
Ward Street                     Walnut Street
(Ord. 1981-6, passed 6-9-81; Am. Ord. 1985-8, passed 5-13-85; Am. Ord. 1988-14, passed 10-24-88; Am. Ord. 1988-17, passed 11-28-88; Am. Ord. 1991-11, passed 10-28-91; Am. Ord. 1995-6, passed 12-28-95; Am. Ord. 2014-8, passed 5-27-14; Am. Ord. 2019-14, passed 11-12-19; Am. Ord. 2022-6, passed 6-27-22; Am. Ord. 2023-16, passed 11-27-23)
Penalty, see §70.99
   When signs are erected giving notice thereof, streets at the following intersections shall be yield streets. Drivers of all vehicles on these streets shall yield the right-of-way, as required by state law, before entering the described intersection.
   YIELD STREET                  CROSS STREET
   [Reserved For Future Use]
(Ord. 1981-6, passed 6-9-81)   Penalty, see §70.99
   (A)   Truck restrictions. When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any truck, trailer, tractor, or tractor and trailer which is taller, wider, and longer than a conventional station wagon or pick-up truck at any time upon any of the streets or parts of streets as follows. However, such restrictions shall not apply to the necessary local operation on such streets for the purpose of picking up or delivering materials.
Campbell Street            Grant Street to Kyle Street
Grant Street (southbound)         Main Cross Street to Campbell Street
Holland Street            Hendricks Street to Bryant Street
Keeley Street            Hougham Street to Breeding Street
Roosevelt Avenue            Hendricks Street to Bryant Street
Thompson Street            Grant Street to Kyle Street
Waltz Street               Pleasant Street to Maier Street
   (B)   Load restrictions upon vehicles using certain highways. When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any vehicle with a gross weight in excess of the amounts specified at any time upon any of the streets or parts of streets described as follows.
                           GROSS WEIGHT
STREET NAME         LOCATION               LIMIT
High School Drive      Between Eisenhower Drive    2 tons
               and Prosser Drive
Holland Street      Between Hendricks Street
               and Bryant St.         2 tons
Memorial Drive      Between Eisenhower Drive       2 tons
               and Prosser Drive
Morris Street         Between Eisenhower Drive      2 tons
               and Main Street
Roosevelt Street      Between Hendricks Street
               and Bryant St.         2 tons
Sunset Drive         Between Eisenhower Drive       2 tons
               and Prosser Drive
(Ord. 1981-6, passed 6-9-81; Am. Ord. 1999-5, passed 12-13-99; Am. Ord. 2000-10, passed 7-10-00; Am. Ord. 2002-7, passed 9-9-02; Am. Ord. 2016-3, passed 3-28-16)   Penalty, see §70.99