The Town Board of Trustees is authorized to determine and desig- nate intersections where a particular hazard exists and to determine whether vehicles shall stop at one or more entrances to such an inter- section (in which event the Board shall have erected a stop sign at every such place where a stop is required); or whether vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to vehicles on a different street at such an intersection, in obedience thereto as required.
(Ord. 1981-6, passed 6-9-81)
For specific stop and yield intersections, see Chapter 74, Schedules IV, V, and VI
Statutory reference:
Authority to establish stop, yield intersections, see IC 9-21-1-3
No procession or parade except funeral processions, the United States Armed Forces, the military forces of this state and the forces of the Police and Fire Departments shall occupy, march, or proceed along any street, except in accordance with a permit issued by the Town Marshal's Office and such other regulations as are set forth which may apply.
(Ord. 1981-6, passed 6-9-81) Penalty, see §70.99