Division 1: Generally
Division 2: Water System
   15-36   Supervision; appointment of supervising employees
   15-37   Authority to enter for plumbing inspection
   15-38   Authority to temporarily discontinue service
   15-39   Application for service
   15-40   Connections; separate water meters; permit for private fire protection; restrictions on cross-connections
   15-41   Meters required
   15-42   Installation of corporation cock; maintenance of connections and fixtures
   15-43   Owner’s responsibility for connection; licensed plumber required; inspection
   15-44   Unauthorized use of water prohibited
   15-45   Damaging, obstructing water system prohibited
   15-46   Connections required
Division 2A: Cross-Connection Control
   15-47   Purpose of cross-connection control
   15-48   Authority for implementing a Cross-Connection control program
   15-49   Definitions
   15-50   Responsibility
   15-51   Right of entry; authorization
   15-52   Law; unprotected cross-connection prohibited
   15-53    Installation
   15-54   Degree of hazard
   15-55   Notice of contamination or pollution
   15-56   Violations and civil penalties
Division 3: Private Fire Hydrants and Sprinkler Systems
   15-61   Connections
   15-62   Submission and approval of plans
   15-63   Installation requirements
   15-71   Enforcement
   15-72   Penalty
Division 5: Conservation
   15-81   Definition
   15-82   Water Shortage Response Plan (WSRP)
   15-83   Notification of Water Shortage Response Plan Implementation.
   15-84   Unlawful to Violate Mandatory Restriction.
   15-85   Measures to be Implemented at Various Stages of Water Conservation.
   15-86   Enforcement
   15-87   Discontinuance of Service; Right of Appeal; Other Remedies; Penalty not to Excuse Violation
   15-88   Guideline Triggers to Initiate Conservation Stages in Drought Situations
   15-89   Return to Normal Water Supply Conditions
   15-90   Variance from Water Conservation Stages
   15-91   Review of the Effectiveness of Water Conservation Stages
   15-92   Adoption of the Water Shortage Response Plan
   15-93   Review and Updating of Water Shortage Response Plan