(A)   No water service connection to any private water system shall be installed or maintained by the city unless the water supply is protected as required by this division and in accordance with the North Carolina Administrative Code. Service of water to any premises shall be discontinued by the city if a backflow prevention assembly required by this division, is not installed, tested and maintained, or if a backflow prevention assembly has been removed, bypassed or if an unprotected cross-connection exists on the premises. Service will be restored after all such conditions or defects are corrected.
   (B)   No water service customer shall allow an unprotected cross-connection to be made or to remain that involves the water service customer’s private water system.
   (C)   No connection shall be made to an unapproved auxiliary water supply unless the public water supply is protected against backflow by an approved backflow prevention assembly, appropriate to the degree of hazard.
   (D)   No interconnection to any other water purveyor’s water system shall be made unless it is protected against backflow by an approved backflow prevention assembly.
   (E)   No water service customer shall fail to maintain in good operating condition any backflow prevention assembly, which is part of the water service customer’s private water system and is required by this division.
   (F)   No water service customer shall fail to submit to the city any records, which are required by this division.
(Ord. passed 6-19-18; Am. Ord. passed 1-21-20)