Division 1: Generally
13-51 Injury from harrows and other implements, machines prohibited
13-52 Reserved
Division 2: Curb and Gutter
13-66 Petition
13-67 Without petition
13-68 Specifications; grates
Division 3: Closing or Vacating
13-86 Scope
13-87 Initial action
13-88 Resolution and recommendation of Council
13-89 Public notice
13-90 Public hearing; basis for decision
13-91 Registration of ordinance
13-92 Appeal to court
13-93 Disposition of property
Division 4: Improvements
13-111 Applicability
13-112 Acceptance by city
13-113 Subdivision streets
13-114 Cemeteries
Division 5: Visibility at Intersections
13-126 Applicability
13-127 Administration
13-128 Obstructions prohibited; exceptions
13-129 Abatement of unlawful obstructions
13-130 Use of traffic-control devices
13-131 Conflicting regulations