Fences, Walls, Shrubbery and Hedges
1443.01   Fence and wall defined.
1443.02   Erection; permit required; plans; fee.
1443.03   Fences and walls in Residential Districts.
1443.04   Fences and walls in Business Districts.
1443.05   Fences and walls in Industrial Districts.
1443.06   Fences and walls for junk yards.
1443.07   Fences and walls for swimming pools.
1443.08   Electrically charged fences.
1443.09   Inspections; encroachments.
1443.10   Hedges and shrubbery.
1443.99   Penalty.
   Injuring vines, bushes, trees or crops - see GEN. OFF. 642.06
   Junk yards - see B.R. & T. Ch. 820
   Zoning districts and boundaries generally - see P. & Z. Ch. 1248
   Zoning district use regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1252
   "Fence" and "wall" means any structure composed of wood, metal, stone, brick or other material erected in such a manner and position as to enclose, partially enclose or divide any premises or any part of any premises. Trellises or other structures supporting, or for the purpose of supporting, vines, flowers or other vegetation, when erected in such a position as to enclose, partially enclose or divide any premises or any part of any premises, shall also be considered a fence. Solid fences and walls are those fences and walls which have less than forty percent free or open area. Gates and gate openings shall not be counted as free and open area when determining whether or not a fence is solid. Hedges and shrubs shall not be considered fences, but are regulated in Section 1443.10.
(Ord. 19-92. Passed 9-14-92.)
   No fence or wall shall be erected in any district of the City until a permit for such purpose has been issued by the Manager or a designated person. Applications for such permits shall be made in writing and shall be accompanied by plans or drawings showing the actual shape and dimension of the lot on which the fence or wall is to be constructed, the exact location, height and type of material of the fence or wall, and the type of lot or adjoining lots. The fee for a fence or wall permit shall be five dollars ($5.00).
(Ord. 19-92. Passed 9-14-92.)
   In any Residential District, no fence or wall shall be erected in the area between the street line and the building setback line. No fence or wall in a Residential District shall exceed a height of six feet. Solid fences and walls, where allowed, shall be constructed of brick, stone or wood. No barbed wire fence or a fence having cutting edges of any kind shall be constructed or maintained within a Residential District.
(Ord. 19-92. Passed 9-14-92.)
   In any Business District, no fence or wall shall be erected in the area between the street line and the building setback line. No fence or wall in a Business District shall exceed a height of six feet. Solid fences and walls shall be constructed of brick, stone or wood. No barbed wire fence or a fence having cutting edges of any kind shall be constructed or maintained within a Business District.
(Ord. 19-92. Passed 9-14-92.)
   In any Industrial District, no fence or wall shall be erected in the area between the street line and the building setback line. No fence or wall in an Industrial District shall exceed a height of ten feet. Fences constructed in an Industrial District shall be of chain link or masonry construction.
(Ord. 19-92. Passed 9-14-92.)