Billiard and Pool Rooms
808.01   Permit required; fee.
808.02   Hours of operation.
808.03   Orderly operation.
808.04   Gambling.
808.05   Revocation of permit.
808.99   Penalty.
   Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.51, 715.61
   Gambling - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 624
   Disorderly conduct - see GEN. OFF. 648.04
   Loitering - see GEN. OFF. 648.11
   Every person desiring to open or keep open a public billiard or pool room or a public place where pool tables are used or the game of billiards is permitted, shall first make application to the Manager for a permit therefor, which, if granted, shall be nontransferable. The applicant shall give the names of two responsible residents of the City as references as to his reputation and standing. He shall pay for the permit the following fee: For one billiard or pool table, five dollars ($5.00) and for each additional billiard or pool table, three dollars ($3.00) for one year or any part thereof. Such permits shall expire on June 30 of each year. Such permits shall at all times be posted in a conspicuous place in the billiard or pool room or in the public place where pool tables are used or the game of billiards is permitted.