1. All uses and districts standards authorized and instituted in the following tables shall adhere to the general district standards defined herein. Where any standards conflict due to special provisions defined or referenced herein, the former shall prevail.
2. All accessory structures and uses shall comply with § 27-900 of this Chapter.
3. All signage shall comply with § 27-901 of this Chapter, “Signs.”
4. All lighting specifications and intensities shall comply with § 27-906 of this Chapter, “Lighting Standards.”
5. All parking specifications and standards shall comply with § 27-902 of this Chapter, “Parking [Requirements].”
6. Nonconforming lots, uses and structures shall be subject to Article X of this Chapter, “Nonconforming Uses and Structures.”
7. The placement and screening of buildings and parking shall be subject to § 27-907 of this Chapter, “Yard and Buffering Standards.”
8. All residential districts (R-2, and R-3) shall bear up to one principal structure per lot.
9. Mixed use and neighborhood use districts shall bear up to one principal structure per lot.
10. Single-family and duplex structures in the R-3, Multi-Family District, may adhere to the setbacks established for the R-2 District.
11. Nonresidential principal or accessory residential structures shall be set back at least 15 feet from any access drive.
12. Residential principal or accessory residential structures shall be set back at least 20 feet from any access drive.
13. Nonresidential principal buildings in the mixed use and neighborhood use districts shall adhere to the standards of § 27-905, “Large Scale Building Standards.”
14. All structures shall adhere to § 27-908, “Exterior Facade Building Standards.”
15. Both active and passive recreation, if authorized in the local subdivision ordinance through land dedication standards, shall be authorized as a use accessory to the particular residential subdivision or land development for which they were required, subject to the express standards applied thereto.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-501)