1. Lighting in all districts shall be designed so as not to produce glare.
2. Lighting shall produce no more than .2 footcandles at any property line unless the adjoining property is under common ownership or is part of a shopping center.
3. No lighting shall be designed so as to emit colors, flashing, or animated effects so as to distract the motoring public and thus present nuisance to public safety.
4. Electrical feeds to lighting standards shall be underground.
5. Lighting in Residential Districts, Neighborhood Use District, and Mixed Use District.
1. Maximum height of lighting, whether freestanding or mounted to a wall or building shall be 15 feet. Lighted wall signs shall be subject to the aforesaid.
2. Lighting on properties where single-family or duplex residential use constitutes the principal use shall not exceed two footcandles at any location.
6. Lighting in the General Retail and Office and Manufacturing Districts.
1. Maximum height of pole lighting shall be 25 feet.
2. All lighting shall include a cutoff angle of at least 60 degrees to avoid glare.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-906)