Fire Escrow Law Certificate (§ 1-609)
   Attorney s Fees
$130.00 an hour plus $300.00 for monthly meeting attendance
   Chief Engineer
$95.00 an hour
$85.00 an hour
$65.00 an hour
   Administrative Staff
$75.00 an hour
   Access to Public Records
Actual cost to the Borough
$.25 per copy
      Conversion of an electronic record to paper
$.25 per page
      Certification of a public record to be officially certified by the Borough Secretary
$1.00 per record
      Other fees: Only if Borough incurs additional costs in complying with the request and such fees must be reasonable.
   Duplicate Tax Bill/Receipts
   No-Lien Letters
   Refuse Certification
   Tax Certification
   NSF Fee Charge
[Res. 05-13]
   Each and every false alarm after the third false alarm (§ 7-202)
[Res. 05-13]
   Towing charges, automobile (day rate)
   Towing charges, automobile (night rate)
   Towing charges, other vehicles and trucks (day rate)
   Towing charges, other vehicles and trucks (night rate)
   Pick-Up Accident Rate
   Storage charges (indoor)
$60.00 per day
   Storage charges (outdoor)
$40.00 per day
$65.00 per day
   Roll Overs
$5.00 per foot
   Delay time per truck
$100.00 per hour
   Police Investigation
$100.00 per hour
   Oil Dry
$30.00 per bag
[Res. 05-13; Res. 17-23]
   Commercial Occupancy*
* These costs are for inspections of a routine nature; if matter is of a complex nature, additional costs charged at an hourly rate will be charged.
   Rental dwelling units or single-family units
   Electrical Application Fee
   Annual Short-Term Rental Fee
[Res. 17-23]
   Zoning Application and Review
(If approved, permit will be included in total cost)
($25.00) (COG)
($10.00) (EMB)
   Appeal of application fee (§ 27-1405)
   Petition to change district boundaries (§ 27-1502)
   Stenographer fee
Appearance fee shared equally by applicant and Zoning Hearing Board; cost of original transcript to be paid by whoever requests it or whoever appeals boards decision.
[Res. 05-13]
   Tap-In Fee
   Certificate of compliance (§ 18-509)
      Dye and lateral test
[Res. 05-13]
   Sign Permit Application
   Yearly sign fees (§ 19-107)
      Less than 10 square feet
      Larger than 10 square feet but less than 25 square feet
      Larger than 25 square feet
$25.00 plus $1.00 for every square foot over 25 square feet
[Res. 05-13]
   Borough waste collection fee (§ 20-107)
$23.75 per unit per month
[Res. 05-13]
   Street Opening
   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to tear up any street or alley, sidewalk and curb in East McKeesport for any purpose whatsoever, without first obtaining a permit from the office of the Borough Secretary. The charge for said permit shall be as follows:
      1.   A permit fee and inspection fee shall be paid to the Borough prior to issuance of the permit The Borough shall have the right to waive fees for contractors performing the work under contract with the Borough.
      The minimum charge for a permit for a street opening shall be
$150.00 for openings less than or equal to 5 feet by 5 feet or 25 square feet.
Openings greater than 5 feet by 5 feet or 25 square feet are assigned an additional fee of $10 per square foot, not to exceed a total of $3,000.00
      Permittees are also required to pay
$100.00 inspection fee per street opening
      Note: Applicants who promptly submit their application prior to the start of construction will owe a $100.00 permit fee instead of $150.00. $50.00 of the original fee will be waived.
      2.   The Borough Secretary shall submit all applications to the Borough Engineer, which shall investigate same and if the Engineer finds it necessary to do said work in the manner described therein, and that the same can be done without closing the highway to public travel, the said Engineer shall approve the application in writing and fix the amount to be charged as hereinafter provided.
      Plan Filing Fee
      Plan Filing Fee, Minor Subdivision
      Major Subdivision (Includes Storm Water Management)
   Land Development Without Subdivision
   $1,000.00 deposit plus $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof. In the event that the cost to the Borough for the review is less than the deposit paid, the balance will be refunded. Should the charges exceed the amount of the deposit, the fee shall be the full amount charged and the applicant shall pay the difference before final approval
$1,000.00 plus $100.00 per acre*
   Engineering Review and Inspection on Large Building Projects
   A plan review and inspection by the Borough Engineer shall be required for application for permits to construct or structurally alter the following types of Multiple Occupancy, Commercial, Industrial. A preliminary fee in the amount of $1,000.00 shall be charged for this service payable upon submission of plans for review. In the event that the cost to the Borough for the review is less than the fee paid, the balance will be refunded. Should the charges exceed the amount of the preliminary fee paid, the fee shall be the full amount charged and the applicant shall pay the difference before the permit is issued.
   1.   The appropriate Borough official shall examine and determine the completeness of each application, and may reject any application if said official is not satisfied with the information provided.
   2.   Upon approval by the Borough, a permit shall be issued, including a permit placard. The placard shall be retained by the permittee and shall be posted and displayed in a prominent location at all times at the work site for the entire work period.
   3.   Not more that two hundred (200) linear feet shall be opened in any street at any time.
   4.   Basis of Measurement - the basis of measurement of street surface shall be the actual number of square yards of paving or surfacing necessary to completely repair the street surface at such opening. A fraction of one-half of a square yard shall be considered as a full square yard and payment shall be made on this basis. All openings shall be measured by the Borough and such measurements shall be final and conclusive.
   5.   Supervision and Inspection - All work done under the authority of any permit shall be supervised and inspected by the Borough Engineer or, with his/her consent, the Street Department Head and such supervision shall be done at the sole expense of the person, firm or corporation securing such permit after billing by the Borough for such services. When the opening is for sewer line construction, applicant shall notify the Borough prior to backfilling.
* An additional fee of 20% of filing fee shall be submitted to the Borough to cover pass through costs incurred by the Borough while processing and filing application. Should charges exceed the initial 20% payment, applicant shall be responsible for the difference in costs incurred by the Borough before any permit is issued.
   1-2 rental units on one premises
$25.00 per year
   3-5 rental units
$50.00 per year
   More than 5 units
$200.00 per year
(Res. 5/12/2005; as amended by Res. 01-06, 1/10/2006; by Res. 05-07, 12/14/2007; by Res. 08-08, 1/8/2009; by Res. 08-10, 11/11/2010; by Res. 07-11, 11/10/2011; by Res. 02-13, 2/14/2013; by Res. 05-13, 10/10/2013; by Res. 05-16, 7/14/2016; by Res. 02-21, 3/11/2021; by Res. 13-21, 12/9/2021; by Res. 04-22, 2/10/2022; by Res. 12-22, 6/9/2022; and by Res. 17-23, 1/11/2024)