1. Multi-family and townhouse structures shall be set back at least 60 feet from any property line adjoining a property in an R-2 District that is either vacant, or that bears single-family or duplex as a principal use.
2. All other nonresidential principal structures shall be set back at least 80 feet from any property line adjoining a property in an R-2 District that is either vacant, or that bears single-family or duplex as a principal use.
3. Parking and access drives associated with the above uses shall be set back at least 40 feet from the aforesaid property lines.
4. Lighting installed within the aforesaid yards or set backs shall adhere to standards for single-family or duplex residential uses otherwise specified in § 27-906, “Lighting Standards.”
5. Notwithstanding side and rear yard setbacks otherwise required in the respective zoning district, the setbacks or buffer areas required in this Section may be reduced through the granting of a conditional use where the following are demonstrated:
1. Changes in topography and existing vegetation that provide a visual buffer or screening to the adjacent property.
2. A mixture of high and low level plantings and/or mounding that provides an effective visual buffer or screening to the adjacent property.
3. The arrangement of lighting within the set back area otherwise required shall be designed in a manner such that it is screened from the adjacent property.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-907)