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§ 23-101. Intent.
   This Part shall apply to any receptacle for water, or any artificial pool of water erected above or below ground level which has a depth at any point of more than 2 feet and which is intended or used for the total or partial immersion therein of human beings for recreational purposes.
(Ord. 616, 5/31/1973, §1)
§ 23-102. Application for Permit.
   Any person, firm, partnership or corporation desiring to construct, alter, maintain or repair a permanent type, below-ground-level, private swimming pool shall apply to the building official of the Borough for a permit to construct, alter, maintain or repair the swimming pool and shall submit to the building official in addition to the application for permit detailed plans and specifications in duplicate, setting forth the extent and character of the installation in all its structural parts and a plot plan drawn to scale showing the location of the proposed swimming pool and all elevations.
(Ord. 616, 5/31/1973, §2)
§ 23-103. Portable Swimming Pools.
   All other swimming pools of a portable nature must be constructed of a material which will provide a tight tank and easily cleaned surfaces.
(Ord. 616, 5/31/1973, §3)
§ 23-104. Health and Sanitary Regulations.
   All swimming pool installations shall comply with the health and sanitary regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the County of Allegheny regulating swimming pools.
(Ord. 616, 5/31/1973, §4)
§ 23-105. Compliance with Other Ordinances.
   All swimming pool installations shall comply with all of ordinances of the Borough of East McKeesport and in particular Ord. 590, the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of East McKeesport enacted December 4, 1969 [Chapter 27] and Ord. 799 adopting the BOCA Basic Building Code [Chapter 5, Part 1]. The front yard, rear yard and side yard requirements of Chapter 27 and Chapter 5, Part 1 respectively shall in particular be strictly observed. No portable swimming pool furthermore shall be allowed in the front yard of any dwelling as defined in said Chapter 27 and Chapter 5, Part 1.
(Ord. 616, 5/31/1973, §5; as amended by Ord. 828, 6/12/2003, §1)
§ 23-106. Fence or Cover.
   Every swimming pool installation shall be enclosed by a fence having a height of at least 4 feet. No holes or other openings in such fence other than the regular points of entry shall have a length or width in excess of 2 inches. All points of entry into the area of the swimming pool shall be equipped with a secured gate having a locking device on the pool side, which locking device shall be inaccessible to small children. In lieu of constructing a fence around a portable type pool, a cover securely fastened to the sides of the pool may be used. Such cover shall be strong material having an ability to hold a minimum concentrated load of 100 pounds at any given point without breaking or deflecting into the pool water and shall be securely fastened to the pool when said pool is not in use.
(Ord. 616, 5/31/1973, §6)
§ 23-107. Diving Board.
   No pool shall provide a diving board unless sufficient space for diving shall have been provided for to a depth of 8 feet, and said diving board is approved by the building official of the Borough.
(Ord. 616, 5/31/1973, §7)
§ 23-108. Electrical Wiring.
   All electrical wiring installed or used in conjunction with any swimming pool shall be in conformity with the National Electrical Code standards, and the materials used or installed shall be as provided by the National Underwriters Laboratory.
(Ord. 616, 5/31/1973, §8)