(a)   The Director of Law shall be paid as indicated in Section 155.01 for legal services in attending regular and special meetings of Council; attendance at meetings of Municipal boards and commissions when requested by the Mayor; furnishing of legal counsel and opinions to all officers, boards and commissions of the City in connection with Municipal affairs; and performing all legal services required by the City
   (b)   The Law Director shall present to the Clerk of Council a written opinion on any matter affecting the official business of the City when a written opinion or report has been requested by Council. In any litigation where the City is a defendant, the Director shall take all steps which in his discretion, are warranted for the protection of the City, but the Law Director shall advise Council as to all litigation in which the City is a party, and upon request of Council, shall report the status of any pending case or cases; and, upon request of Council, shall estimate for the benefit of Council the cost of the suit.
   (c)   When the Law Director is required to travel out of town on City business he shall be reimbursed for travel expense as outlined in Section 155.18. (Ord. 2009-035. Passed 4-28-09.)
(Ord. 2023-047. Passed 6-13-23.)