(a)   All blueprints for commercial, industrial, multi-family or institutional buildings, received by the Building Department for construction within the City shall be submitted for review by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. When such submitted plans have been found to conform to the provisions of the Fire Protection Code and all other codes adopted by the City pertaining to fire protection, fire safety, extinguishment and life safety, such plans shall be stamped as approved for "Fire Regulations Only." When plans are submitted which do not conform with such codes, a list of all violations shall be written or attached to the submitted plans. The owner of such plans or his representative shall subsequently submit revised plans, addenda or other data to show evidence of compliance with the applicable provisions of these codes. In the event such data is not received within a reasonable length of time, not to exceed thirty days, the Fire Chief may revoke the plan approval. The construction, erection and/or alteration of a commercial, industrial, multi-family or institutional building and any addition thereto, and the equipment and maintenance thereof, shall conform to required plans which have been approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. When the Bureau of Fire Prevention finds that work and equipment is contrary to approved plans, the owner or contractor shall be given a specific period of time in which to conform to such plans and such building or part thereof, and shall not occupy until such violations are corrected and approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(Ord. 1985-042. Passed 3-12-85.)
   (b)   One or more members of the Fire Department, as approved by the Safety Director, shall be employed by all places of public assemblage such as circuses, carnivals, fairs, festivals, sporting events or other entertainment including but not limited to amusements or exhibitions where large crowds will assemble. Such fire fighters shall familiarize themselves with all fire protection facilities and fire prevention features and with the conditions of exits, and shall patrol the entire area during the time of occupancy. They shall see that aisles and exitways are kept open and that the "No Smoking" rules are enforced.
   The charge for such employment shall be at the normal rate currently set by the City for other similar duties with the total expense of such employment to be paid by the organization, group and/or sponsor of such event.
(Ord. 1985-077. Passed 4-23-85.)