There are hereby established regulations for dish-type satellite signal-receiving antennas as follows:
   (a)   Definitions.
      (1)   "Dish-type satellite signal-receiving antennas" also referred to as "earth stations" or "ground stations" means one, or a combination of two or more of the following:
         A.   A signal-receiving device (antenna, dish antenna or dish-type antenna), the purpose of which is to receive communication or other signals from satellites in earth orbit and other extraterrestrial sources.
         B.   A low-noise amplifier (LNA) which is situated at the focal point of the receiving component and the purpose of which is to magnify, store, transfer and/or transmit electronic or light signals.
         C.   A coaxial cable the purpose of which is to carry or transmit such signal to a receiver.
      (2)   "Receiver" means a television set or radio receiver.
      (3)   "Dish" means that part of a satellite signal receiving antenna characteristically shaped like a saucer or dish.
      (4)   "Grounding rod" means a metal pole permanently positioned in the earth to serve as an electrical conductor through which electrical current may safely pass and dissipate.
   (b)   Permit Required. No person, firm, partnership, corporation, trust or other legal entity shall construct an earth station without a permit nor shall construction commence before a permit is issued in accordance with subsection (c) hereof.
   (c)   Application for Permit. The owner, or occupant with written permission from the owner, or the duly authorized agent for the same, who desires to construct an earth station on such lot, premises or parcel must first obtain a permit to do so from the City.
      The Chief Building Official shall issue such permit, provided the applicant submits a written application upon forms provided and approved by the Chief Building Official, along with plot plans of the lot, premises or land parcel attached, showing the exact location and dimensions of the proposed earth station; a description of the kind of earth station proposed; the exact location and dimensions of all buildings or structures; construction plans and specifications of the manufacturer regarding mounting, positioning, structural data and other technical information for proper installation. Each application shall specify, among other things, the name and address of the owner of the real estate, the applicant, the professional installer who prepared the construction plans, specifications, application and a brief statement of that installer's experience and qualifications in the industry. The applicant shall present documentation of the possession of any license or permit required by any Federal, State or local agency pertaining to the ownership, construction or operation of an earth station.
      The applicant shall submit with each application the fee as stated in Section 1301.01. The permit fee shall cover the costs of reviewing the construction plans and specifications, inspecting the final construction and processing the application.
      The Chief Building Official must notify by certified mail, owners of real estate adjoining the property upon which the proposed earth station is to be erected at least ten days before issuing a permit.
   (d)   Location of Earth Station.
      (1)   Ground-mounted.
         A.   No earth station shall be constructed in any front or side yard, but shall be constructed to the rear of the residence or main structure.
         B.   No earth station or part thereof shall be constructed as to encroach onto rights of way or onto private adjoining property.
         C.   Any permit issued by the City shall permit the earth station authorized to be connected or linked, either electronically or physically, only to receivers that are located on the same lot, premises or parcel of land as the earth station.
         D.   An earth station shall not exceed, in its most upright position, a grade height of fifteen feet.
         E.   An earth station dish shall not exceed twelve feet in diameter having a maximum depth of forty-four inches.
         F.   All structural supports shall be equal to or better than galvanized metal.
         G.   Wiring between an earth station and a receiver shall be in the ground confined within rigid conduit in the event current is 110 volts. Wiring between an earth station and a receiver shall be in the ground using a UL approved underground cable, minimum 16 gauge wire, in the event current is 25 volts, D.C. or less. All wiring requirements shall meet the current edition of the National Electrical Code.
         H.   Such earth station shall be designed to withstand a wind force of eighty-five miles per hour without the use of supporting guy wires.
         I.   Any driving motor shall be limited to 110v maximum power design and be encased in protective guards meeting the most current edition of the National Electrical Code.
         J.   An earth station must be bonded to a grounding rod meeting the most current edition of the National Electrical Code.
         k.   No earth station shall be constructed upon the rooftop of any garage, residential dwelling, church, school, apartment building, hospital or any other commercial building or structure without first obtaining a permit.
      (2)   Roof-mounted.
         A.   No earth station shall be mounted on the roof of any residential dwelling or building structure on any residential premises without first obtaining a permit. Earth stations shall be mounted directly upon the roof of a primary or accessory structure, as defined in the Building Code, and shall not be mounted upon appurtenances such as chimneys, towers, trees, spires or poles not used in the mounting structure of the earth station.
         B.   An earth station shall not exceed a height of more than three feet above the peak of the roof upon which the earth station is mounted, nor shall any earth station exceed a height of fifteen feet above any flat roof upon which it is mounted.
         C.   An earth station dish shall not exceed twelve feet in diameter having a maximum depth of forty-four inches.
         D.   An earth station shall be designed to withstand a wind force of eighty-five miles per hour without the use of supporting guy wires.
         E.   Any driving motor shall be limited to 110v maximum power design and be encased in protective guards meeting the most current addition of the National Electrical Code.
         F.   An earth station must be bonded to a ground rod meeting the most current addition of the National Electrical Code.
         G.   In the event the earth station only requires 25 volts D.C. electrical current to operate, wiring shall be UL approved cable rather than conduit, and shall meet the current edition of the National Electrical Code.
         H.   A permit for a roof mount installation in compliance with these provisions shall be granted when no ground-mount installation in compliance with subsection (d)(1) hereof would permit the earth station to have line-of-sight, unobstructed reception for all major satellites.
   (e)   Limitation. There shall be no more than one ground-mounted or roof-mounted satellite dish antenna per residence or per commercial/industrial building.
   (f)   Appeals. Appeals from the decisions of the Chief Building Official shall be made to the Board of Zoning Appeals as provided by the Codified Ordinances of the City.
      (Ord. 1988-173. Passed 10-11-88.)