The sewer contractor shall notify the excavator of the depth that the foundation hole may be dug in order to make connections to the storm and sanitary sewers. The basement sub drain or foundation drain, all downspouts, sump pumps, outside drive drains, etc., shall be connected to the storm sewer. The downspouts shall be connected to a public storm sewer or installed on splash block provided the installation on splash block shall not cause harm or be a detriment to adjacent properties. Downspout lines shall not be laid next to basement sub drains. No downspouts shall be connected to the sub drains (footer drain). The sanitary sewer shall be run directly inside the building (dwelling) where applicable. Any utility inside the building (dwelling) shall discharge directly to the sanitary sewer. (Toilets, sinks, utility tubs, etc.) No storm water shall enter the sanitary sewer at any point. Rain water accumulating in any excavation shall be drained into the storm sewer. Use of rain barrels may be permitted.
(Ord. 2010-013. Passed 11-9-10.)