General Provisions
   116.01   Definitions
   116.02   Local Liquor Control Commissioner
   116.03   License required
   116.04   Employee training and registration
   116.05   Licenses
   116.06   Transfer of license
   116.07   Change of location
   116.08   Offenses by licensee
   116.09   Offenses by other than licensee
   116.10   Suspension or revocation
   116.11   Appeals procedure
Prohibited Sales and Possession
   116.30   Persons under 21 years; disabilities
   116.31   Right to refuse sale
   116.32   Evidence of age and identity; reliance upon
   116.33   False or fraudulent evidence of age and identity
   116.34   Possession by persons under 21 years
   116.35   Private property; possession by persons under 21 years
   116.36   Hotels and motels; possession by persons under 21 years
   116.37   Consumption by persons under 21 years prohibited
Happy Hour Regulations
   116.50   Prohibited happy hours
   116.51   Permitted happy hours
   116.52   Mandatory schedule of prices
   116.99   Penalty
Statutory reference:
   State law provisions concerning sale and possession, see ILCS Ch. 235, Act 5, §§ 6 et seq.