Each planning unit master plan (PUMP) shall identify the land use district(s) proposed on each parcel in accordance with chapter 7 of this title. The following land use districts are found within Spring Valley:
   A.   Village Center: The village center (VC) district is the heart of the community and the main activity center for Spring Valley and is designed to accommodate commercial, community, residential and cultural activities. This district may include shopping, business and professional offices, research and development, hotel and resort uses, vineyards and wineries, cultural, educational, civic, community facilities, and parks and recreational facilities to serve the entire Spring Valley population. Medium to high density residential areas may be included as a secondary use and residential units may be stacked vertically above business uses.
   B.   Mixed Use: Mixed use districts are comprised of highway mixed use (HMU) and mixed use (MU) and are intended to provide a variety and mixture of retail, business, residential and employment opportunities for Spring Valley and area residents. The HMU district is located next to State Highway 16 at the northern entrance to Spring Valley and the MU district is located interior to the community. The HMU district is designed to provide highway oriented businesses as well as similar and more intensive uses than found in the MU district. These districts will accommodate office, flex space, light manufacturing, research and development, shopping, business, lodging, professional and support commercial services, primary, secondary and higher educational facilities, parks and recreation facilities, vineyards and wineries, and residential uses.
   C.   Commercial: Commercial districts are intended to provide commercial facilities designed for use by community or area residents that will provide most of the daily and weekly support services that residents require on a regular basis. Commercial centers may be community commercial (CC) or neighborhood commercial (NC) and may include retail and convenience businesses, shopping centers, professional offices, and vineyards and wineries. Residential uses may be included in the NC district.
   D.   Residential: Residential districts are intended to provide residential neighborhoods with a range of lot sizes and housing types depending on location, site conditions, and market influences to create a community that emphasizes housing diversity. Residential districts are comprised of single-family detached (RR, ER, SF1, SF2, SF3, SFZL, SFSL), single-family attached (SFA) and multi-family (MF1, MF2) at various densities and mixes. Residential districts may also include schools, daycare facilities, worship sites, parks, playfields, and other recreational facilities, golf courses, resorts, vineyards and wineries, and other complementary uses. Some residential uses are also permitted in nonresidential land use districts as shown in section 11A-2-3, table 2.1 of this chapter. Refer to section 11A-2-4, table 2.2 of this chapter for residential land use descriptions and density ranges.
   E.   Open Space: Open space districts consist of community open space (COS) and regional open space (ROS).
      1.   Community Open Space: May be allowed in any of the other land use districts and is land set aside for recreation, agriculture, habitat, vegetation, scenic, or similar uses and is intended to primarily serve the Spring Valley community. Community open space may include public, semipublic, and private recreational facilities, amphitheaters, golf courses, pathways and trails, landscape zones in and adjacent to major roadways including areas outside of a dedicated right of way, greenbelts, cultural, community, educational, and quasi-public facilities, equestrian centers and trailheads, as well as parks, playfields and natural open spaces. Agricultural uses, such as vineyards, wineries and plant nurseries, are considered community open space. Facilities and tracts of land owned by the Spring Valley Community Association are also considered community open space.
      2.   Regional Open Space: Regional open space is intended to serve the general public and may be adjacent to, or provide connection to, large scale regional open space within the city's North Eagle Foothills planning area. Regional open space may include many of the amenities provided in community open space as well as active regional parks, regional trail corridors (such as the Big Gulch Regional Park, trail and open space corridor), and large natural areas planned for dedication as permanent natural open space as part of an Eagle Regional Park and Willow Creek Road open space corridor. Regional open space may be owned and maintained by the city, the Spring Valley Community Association, a land trust or other conservation group or entity. (Ord. 710, 1-14-2014)