The Avimor Planned Development Zoning District (APD) is hereby established. The Avimor Planned Development Zoning District is a separate and distinct zoning district and is in addition to the City's zoning districts set forth in Chapter 2, Title 8 of the City Code. The purpose of this Title is to establish the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District and to set forth the specific development standards and administrative procedures that apply within the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. Furthermore, it is the purpose of this Title and the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District to:
A. Provide for a mix of land uses;
B. Encourage flexibility in design and development to respond to market demand and site-specific conditions while enhancing the economic viability and quality;
C. Encourage creative and innovative land planning and design processes that are sensitive to existing environmental conditions;
D. Provide for a phased and orderly development utilizing consistent criteria;
E. Establish the permitted uses and minimum standards for each category of residential and nonresidential use;
F. Establish responsibility for the development of essential public services and the specific mechanisms by which they will be provided, created and financed; and
G. Provide significant planning and economic benefits to the City including, without limitation, by: i) creating quality housing, employment, recreation and other land uses; and ii) providing for the design, construction, acquisition, and/or installation of public infrastructure to support anticipated development and benefitting surrounding areas. (Ord. 895, 4-25-2023)
A. Scope And Content: This Title governs the development and administration of the land within the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District.
B. Flexibility: This Title is intended to depict the general nature and relative intensity of residential and nonresidential development allowed in the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District, while allowing flexibility at the time of detailed planning and platting so that the overall goals, policies, purpose, and intent of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan can be achieved with this Title.
C. Conflict Of Laws: The provisions of City Code shall govern all standards or processes that are not specifically addressed or modified by this Title. Any contradiction, inconsistency or ambiguity between the requirements of this Title and any other provision of the City Code shall be governed and controlled by this Title. The provisions of City Code Titles 8 and 9 do not apply to land in the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District, as these standards and processes are replaced and controlled by this Title. All references within any applicable City Code Sections to City Code Titles 8 and 9 or generally to "this Title" shall be interpreted to mean the applicable standards or regulations in this Title.
D. Applicable Highway Authority: All references in this Title or in other applicable City Code sections to Ada County Highway District (ACHD) or Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) shall mean the applicable transportation agency or Local Highway Department having jurisdiction over the roadway at issue.
E. Development Plans: All development within the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District shall be consistent with the Development Plans as defined in this Title. (Ord. 895, 4-25-2023)