These standards are designed to ensure that development within Spring Valley will produce a built environment of stable, desirable character which is harmonious with existing and future development and is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Spring Valley master plan. Centralized water and wastewater facilities are required for all subdivision and lot split applications in all land use districts exceeding one dwelling unit per two (2) acres.
   A.   General Setback Standards:
      1.   Minimum residential and nonresidential district setbacks are outlined in tables 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of this section. More restrictive setbacks may be established through the Spring Valley design guidelines prepared by the master developer.
      2.   Dwelling units located in the VC, HMU, MU, and NC districts shall use the setback standards for either the applicable nonresidential district or for the corresponding residential district based on density. (For example, a single-family detached neighborhood with a density of up to 10 units per acre in the VC district would use the standards of the SF3 residential district.)
      3.   Dwelling units that are stacked above nonresidential uses shall use the setbacks of the nonresidential district.
      4.   Dwelling units shall adhere to the setbacks outlined in table 2.2 of this section unless identified in this subsection or building envelopes are used in which case the more restrictive setbacks shall apply.
      5.   Residential setbacks for front, side and rear loaded single- family units shall be measured from the back of sidewalk, or back of curb if no sidewalk exists, or edge of pavement if no curb exists, to the foundation of a building or the face of a garage. All other setbacks shall be measured to the property line or as otherwise noted.
      6.   Driveway length shall be nineteen feet (19') minimum beyond the back of sidewalk, or back of curb if no sidewalk exists, or edge of pavement if no curb exists to allow vehicles to park completely outside the vehicular or pedestrian travel corridor, or three to five feet (3 - 5') to prevent a vehicle from parking in the driveway. No more than three (3) consecutive dwelling units in a row shall have front loaded driveways between three to five feet (3 - 5') in length. There shall be no such restriction for rear loaded dwelling units.
      7.   Bay windows, nooks, architectural pop outs and appendages, fireplaces, cabinets designed to screen utility meters and similar architectural features may encroach no more than two feet (2') into any setback, provided they remain at least three feet (3') from the side property lines and ten feet (10') from the front property line, and do not increase the living space within the home at the floor line. The maximum width of such structures shall not exceed thirteen feet (13') in total for any facade.
      8.   Roof overhangs, cornices, and similar architectural features may encroach no more than two feet (2') into any setback provided they remain at least three feet (3') from the property line.
      9.   Balconies must maintain the setback required for the structure to which they are attached and may not extend into the required setback area except on lots which adjoin a golf course, park area, common open space, or similar open space. In such case the balcony may extend into the setback area toward the open space a distance equal to fifty percent (50%) of the required setback provided they remain at least five feet (5') from the property line. Balconies on multi-family units may also overhang a sidewalk up to five feet (5') so long as they do not encroach into the public right of way.
      10.   Interior fire escapes are encouraged. Exterior fire escapes shall encroach no more than six feet (6') into any setback provided they remain at least three feet (3') from the property line. Exterior fire escapes are allowed in the side or rear yards only.
      11.   Accessory dwellings, including guesthouses, casitas, and caretaker/domestic units shall comply with the setback and height standards for the district they are located in as set forth in tables 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of this section or as otherwise described in chapter 4 of this title.
      12.   Accessory structures shall not be permitted in the front or street side yards except for garages and accessory dwellings which shall comply with the setback standards of the applicable residential district. Accessory structures less than one hundred twenty (120) square feet in area and less than seven feet (7') in height are permitted in the interior side or rear yards, but must remain at least five feet (5') from the property line and maintain a minimum separation of six feet (6') from the principal dwelling. Accessory structures one hundred twenty (120) square feet in area or larger shall comply with the minimum setbacks shown in tables 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of this section and shall be limited to a maximum height of twenty five feet (25').
      13.   Attached patio covers, awnings, carports, trellises and similar structures and architectural elements within residential districts may encroach no more than two feet (2') into the front setback and may encroach into the side and rear setbacks up to fifteen feet (15') provided they remain at least five feet (5') from the property line. These setbacks are measured from the supporting posts; however, overhangs may extend up to three feet (3') from a property line. Such structures must remain open without the use of siding, screens or other enclosures. Enclosed structures must conform to the setback standards for the principal dwelling.
      14.   Awnings, trellises and similar structures and architectural elements in nonresidential districts may overhang a sidewalk up to six feet (6') so long as they do not encroach into the public right of way or affect a tree canopy.
      15.   Open porches for residential dwellings may project up to five feet (5') into the required front yard setback provided they remain at least three feet (3') from the back of a sidewalk or eight feet (8') from the back of a curb if no sidewalk exists.
      16.   Swimming pools shall only be permitted in the side or rear yard areas. Swimming pools shall maintain a minimum setback of three feet (3') from the water's edge to property lines and easements. Any setback, if required, from the dwelling or other buildings on the same lot shall be determined by the city building department.
   B.   Building Heights:
      1.   Building heights shall be measured from the finished floor elevation closest to the finished grade to the top of the roof. The height of the building may follow the slope of the contour of the lot (grade adaptive architecture). "Top of roof" means ridgeline or the highest point of any architectural element concealing rooftop equipment, excluding chimneys and vents. The height restrictions are not intended to limit the number of stories.
      2.   Height restrictions do not apply to chimneys, which are governed by the building code.
      3.   Themed, nonhabitable structures or parts of structures, such as church steeples and clock towers, may be allowed up to sixty feet (60') in height in the CC, NC and residential districts and may be allowed up to seventy five feet (75') in height in the VC, HMU and MU districts with a conditional use permit, except where the height of such structures will constitute a hazard to the safe landing and takeoff of aircraft at an established airport.
      4.   Refer to tables 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of this section for maximum building heights.
   C.   Residential Density:
      1.   Residential density, as shown on table 2.2 of this section, shall be determined on a gross area basis. Gross area includes the area within the adjacent right of way to the centerline of the street prior to any right of way dedication.
   D.   Refuse Storage/Disposal: Every parcel with a multi-family or commercial use shall have a trash receptacle on the premises. The trash receptacle shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the trash generated by the use and must be a minimum of fifty feet (50') from any single-family residential property. The receptacle shall be screened from public view on at least three (3) sides by a solid wall or structure that is constructed to be a minimum of 1-foot (1') above the height of the trash and/or recycle receptacle within the collection area measured from finish surface and on the fourth side by a solid gate not less than the height of the trash and/or recycle receptacle. Trash structures must be compatible in materials with the principal building(s). Trash receptacles for single-family homes must be stored within the enclosed garage or screened from the right of way behind a fence.
   E.   Hillside Development And Grade Adaptive Housing: Guidelines for hillside development and grade adaptive housing are contained in the grading guidelines and hillside development standards for Spring Valley.
   F.   Side And Rear Yards For Nonresidential Uses Abutting Residential Districts: Nonresidential buildings or uses shall not be located nor conducted closer than forty feet (40') to any lot line of a residential district; except that the minimum yard requirements may be reduced to fifty percent (50%) of the requirement if acceptable screening approved by the city is provided. Such screening shall be a masonry or solid fence between four (4) and eight feet (8') in height, maintained in good condition and free of all advertising or other signs along with landscaping in accordance with the buffer area and screening requirements in the Spring Valley landscape guidelines. Landscaping provided in lieu of such wall or fence shall not be allowed.
   TABLE 2.2
Single-Family Residential Uses
Maximum Density
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Setbacks
Maximum Height
Single-Family Residential Uses
Maximum Density
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Setbacks
Maximum Height
(RR) Rural residential1
1 unit per 2 gross acres
1.0 acre
Front garage: 50'
Side garage: 30'
Living: 40'
Interior side: 20'
Street side: 30'
Rear: 30'
(ER) Estate residential1
2 units per gross acre
0.3 acre
Front garage: 30'
Side garage: 25'
Living: 25'
Interior side: 10'
Street side: 25'
Rear: 30'
(SF1) Single- family detached1
5 units per gross acre
8,000 sq. ft.
Front garage: 25'
Side garage: 15'
Living: 15'
Interior side: 7.5'
Street side: 20'
Rear: 25'
Alley garage: 5' or 19' or more
(SF2) Single- family detached1
7 units per gross acre
6,000 sq. ft.
Front garage: 20'
Side garage: 10'
Living: 10'
Interior side: 5'
Street side: 15'
Rear: 20'
Alley garage: 5' or 19' or more
(SF3) Single- family detached
10 units per gross acre
4,000 sq. ft.
Front garage: 20'
Side garage: 10'
Living: 10'
Interior side: 5'
Street side: 15'
Rear: 15'
Alley garage: 5' or 19' or more
(SFZL) Single- family zero lot line2,3
10 units per gross acre
4,000 sq. ft.
Front: See note 2
Interior side: 10'
Street side: 15'
Rear: 15'
Alley garage: 5' or 19' or more
(SFSL) Single- family special lot
12 units per gross acre
3,000 sq. ft.
See subsection G, "Single-Family Special Lot (SFSL) Development Standards", of this section
(SFA) Single- family attached2,3
18 units per gross acre
Front: See note 2
Interior side: 5'
Street side: 15'
Rear: 15'
Alley garage: 5' or 19' or more
   1.    In the RR, ER and SF1 districts, the rear setback may be reduced to 20 feet if the rear property line is adjacent to open space that is a minimum of 50 feet wide. In the SF2 district, the rear setback may be reduced to 15 feet if the same condition exists.
   2.    In the SFZL and SFA districts, the front building setback, exclusive of the garage, may be eight feet (8'). The front setback to a side entry garage may also be eight feet (8'). The setback to a front entry garage shall be either nineteen feet (19') or more or three to five feet (3' to 5'). Setbacks between five feet (5') and nineteen feet (19') are not allowed.
   3.    In the SFZL district, the side setback shown is for the nonzero lot line of the dwelling. In the SFA district, the side setback shown is for the nonparty wall side of the dwelling.
    TABLE 2.3
Multi-Family Residential Uses
Maximum Density
Minimum Open Space
Minimum Setbacks
Maximum Height
(MF1) Medium density multi-family
28 units per acre
20% of the site
20' from the exterior property lines of the development and 10' between buildings 1
45' (60' in the VC, HMU and MU districts)
(MF2) High density multi-family
40 units per acre
20% of the site
20' from the exterior property lines of the development and 10' between buildings 1
45' (60' in the VC, HMU and MU districts)
   1.   In all multi-family districts, garage door setbacks shall be either nineteen feet (19') or more or three to five feet (3' to 5'). Setbacks between five feet (5') and nineteen feet (19') are not allowed.
    TABLE 2.4
Nonresidential Uses
Lot Area
Maximum FAR
Minimum Setbacks
Maximum Height
Nonresidential Uses
Lot Area
Maximum FAR
Minimum Setbacks
Maximum Height
(VC) Village center
Front: 0'
Interior side: 0'
Street side: 0'
Rear: 0'
(HMU and MU) Highway mixed use and mixed use
Front: 0'
Interior side: 0'
Street side: 0'
Rear: 0'
(CC) Community commercial
10 acres
Front: 20'
Interior side: 0'
Street side: 0'
Rear: 0'
(NC) Neighborhood commercial
3 acres
Front: 15'
Interior side: 0'
Street side: 10'
Rear: 0'
Note: The minimum on site landscape requirement for any nonresidential parcel is 10 percent of the lot area. The intent of this requirement may be satisfied by interior plazas of building, rooftop gardens and parking lot landscape consistent with chapter 3 of this title. This requirement may be waived if the lot coverage is above 80 percent.
   TABLE 2.5
Open Space Uses
Development Standards
COS (Community Open Space)
For specific land use standards for uses proposed within the Community Open Space (COS) or Regional Open Space District (ROS), refer to the specific land use as defined within 11A-4-4.
ROS (Regional Open Space)
   G.   Single-Family Special Lot (SFSL) Development Standards: The SFSL district offers alternative site planning and housing mix opportunities from the typical single-family detached development. SFSL projects shall conform to the following:
      1.   Applicability: A parcel may be developed using a combination of SFSL types.
      2.   Development Standards: Development standards for each SFSL type are shown in exhibits 2.2 through 2.8 of this section. Alternative SFSL types may be added to these standards in the future through a modification of these standards (see Chapter 8 of this title) to reflect new housing designs and neighborhood configurations.
      3.   Parking:
         a.   Two (2) enclosed garage spaces are required for each dwelling unit. Tandem garage spaces shall satisfy this requirement.
         b.   All SFSL projects shall also provide guest parking spaces as follows:
            (1)   One guest space shall be provided for every four (4) units.
            (2)   On street parking is acceptable for guest parking when sufficient street width exists per ACHD road standards and there are no conflicts with utilities or driveways. When off street guest parking areas are provided in lieu of on street parking, such parking areas shall be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the SFSL project.
(Ord. 710, 1-14-2014; amd. Ord. 884, 9-27-2022; Ord. 889, 1-10-2022; Ord. 924, 8-27-2024)