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12-1101: Purpose And Intent
12-1102: Scope And Applicability
12-1103: Definitions
12-1104: Landscape Point System
12-1105: Expansion Of Existing Nonconforming Development
12-1106: Selection Of Landscape Material
12-1107: Installation Of Landscaping
12-1108: Maintenance Of Landscaping
12-1109: Landscape Plan Submittal Requirements
12-1110: Enforcement And Appeals
   A.   The purpose of this chapter is to require landscape elements, particularly plant materials, within proposed developments in an organized and harmonious fashion that will enhance, protect and promote the economic and aesthetic environment of the City of Duncan, and provide for the prosperity, comfort and enjoyment of its citizens. The City recognizes the value of landscaping in achieving the following goals:
      1.   Promote the re-establishment of vegetation in urban areas for health, ecological and aesthetic benefits.
      2.   Provide new planting in concert with natural vegetation and careful grading.
      3.   Encourage the preservation of existing trees.
      4.   Promote compatibility between land uses by reducing the visual, noise and lighting impacts of development on users of the site and abutting properties.
      5.   Unify development, and enhance and define public and private places.
      6.   Provide an overall planting scheme that will:
         a.   Reduce soil erosion, and the volume and rate of discharge of stormwater runoff.
         b.   Aid in energy conservation by shading and sheltering structures from energy losses caused by weather and wind.
         c.   Mitigate the loss of natural resources.
         d.   Provide visual screens and buffers that mitigate the impact of conflicting land uses to preserve the appearance, character and value of existing neighborhoods.
         e.   Provide shade, comfort and seasonal color.
         f.   Reduce glare, noise and heat.
         g.   Provide greater perceptual clarity along major streets and roads by more consistent planting of property sized street trees.
      7.   It is further recognized that good landscaping attracts potential residents and businesses to the City of Duncan, and creates a safer, more attractive and more pleasant living and working environment for all residents and visitors of Duncan.
      8.   These regulations are intended at minimum standards for landscape treatment. Owners and developers are encouraged to exceed this standard in seeking more creative solutions, both for the enhanced value of their land and for the collective health and enjoyment of all citizens of Duncan. (Ord. 1767, 6-27-2017)
All applicants for building permits to construct new buildings and/or parking areas or to expand existing buildings and/or parking areas for any use designated as "non-residential" per the International Code Council shall be required to meet the provisions of this chapter. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to the construction or expansion of one and two family residential dwellings or accessory structures, regardless of the zoning districts in which they are located. (Ord. 1767, 6-27-2017)
BERM: An earthen mound designated to provide visual interest, screen undesirable views and/or decrease noise.
CALIPER: The diameter of a tree trunk less than twelve inches (12") in diameter. For trees less than four inches (4") in diameter, it is measured six inches (6") from the ground. For trees between four inches (4") and twelve inches (12") in diameter, it is measured twelve inches (12") from the ground.
DETA: The Duncan Enhancement Trust Authority as established by the City Council.
EVERGREEN: A plant with foliage that persists and remains green year-round.
EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE: An existing tree with a caliper greater than eight inches (8") that is determined to be in good health. Landscape points will be awarded by the Director of the Department of Community Development based on the health and general shape and appearance of the tree.
GROUNDCOVER: An evergreen or deciduous planting less than twenty four inches (24") in height, excluding turf grass.
LANDSCAPE PLAN: Graphic and written criteria, specifications, and detailed plans to arrange and modify the effects of natural and manmade features such as plantings, ground and water forms, circulation, walks, structures, and other features to comply with provisions of this chapter. All landscape plans shall include calculations of the site and parking lot landscaping points required, along with a table indicating how said requirement has been met.
LANDSCAPED AREA: Any area that contains trees, shrubs, and/or groundcover that is eligible for point credits.
PARKING LOT ISLAND: An unpaved area within a parking lot that is surrounded on at least three (3) sides by the paved parking area but separated from the paved area by a barrier curb.
PLANTING PLAN: The preparation of graphic and written criteria of plant placement, plant specification of type, size and spacing, and other features to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
PLANTING SEASON: The most favorable time to plant trees in Duncan is established as the months between and including October and April.
SHRUB: A living self-supporting woody deciduous or evergreen species no less than eight inches (8") in height and no greater than fifteen feet (15') in height, which will remain fully vegetated throughout the year.
TREE: A living self-supporting woody or evergreen plant that normally grows to a minimum height of fifteen feet (15') and which has one or several self-supporting stems or trunks and numerous branches.
TURF GRASS: Existing or installed grass that has been sodded, seeded, or hydro-mulched. Turf grass eligible for point credits must be located within the property lines of a development. The maximum credit for turf is twenty five percent (25%) of the total landscape points required for any development. All turf credited points shall completely cover all exposed areas of soil after one full growing season.
XERISCAPE: Landscaping which incorporates only drought tolerant plant materials, as indicated in the approved City of Duncan planting materials list, which after establishment will not require supplemental water from irrigation. (Ord. 1767, 6-27-2017)