A.   When it becomes necessary to plow or remove snow from streets, which because of the accumulation of snow thereon causes such a hindrance to traffic as constitutes an emergency unless the snow is promptly plowed or removed, the city manager shall by appropriate public media declare the beginning of an emergency and the application of emergency snow parking regulations which regulations shall remain in force and effect until lifted by the city manager.
   B.   For the purpose of this division, the accumulation of snow on any streets or area sufficient for the application of emergency regulations herein shall be any such accumulation of snow which hinders the safe movement of traffic thereon or that impedes the ability of emergency vehicles and public transportation vehicles to travel safely and expeditiously over such streets or areas.
   C.   The city manager is hereby authorized and empowered to erect signs prohibiting parking upon any street in the city and upon any city owned parking lot, except arterial streets for which provisions are hereinafter made, upon which snow plowing or snow removal equipment is operating, and upon the erection of such signs parking thereon shall be prohibited until such signs shall be removed at the direction of the city manager.
   D.   Upon the declaration of emergency by the city manager as provided in this section, emergency snow parking regulations as to arterial streets in the city shall mean there shall be no parking on the odd numbered side of any arterial street from nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. to nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and there shall be no parking on the even numbered side of any arterial street from nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. to nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. These emergency snow parking regulations shall include those arterial streets where parking is prohibited at any time on one side of the arterial street. These emergency snow parking regulations shall not apply to those arterial streets where parking is prohibited on both sides of such arterial street at any time.
      1.   The provisions of this section shall supersede all other parking regulations in force and posted on any arterial street during such emergency and shall require no posting of the emergency no parking snow regulations as to arterial streets.
      2.   Arterial streets shall be such streets as are designated as such from time to time. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)