When parking spaces are established and marked and the appropriate devices for the collection of fees and charges and the regulation of motor vehicles have been installed and parking rates have been established and posted in the municipal parking ramps, then it shall be unlawful and a violation of this division for any person to cause, allow, permit, or suffer any motor vehicle registered in the name of such person to be parked in the municipal parking ramps without paying the required fee as established. On particular occasions, times, or days, the municipal parking ramps may be opened to the general public without fee payment; at such times it shall be lawful for any person to allow or permit any vehicle registered in such person's name to be parked in the municipal parking ramps without payment of fee.
The city manager is authorized to issue courtesy parking tickets when the city manager deems it to be in the city's best interest to promote usage of the parking ramps or when introducing new parking ramps programs. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)