Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a signal lamp or signal device which is so constructed and located on the vehicle as to give a signal of intention to stop, which shall be red or yellow in color, which signal shall be plainly visible and understandable in normal sunlight and at night from a distance of one hundred feet (100') to the rear, but shall not project a glaring or dazzling light. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
Except as hereinafter provided, the headlamps, auxiliary driving lamp, auxiliary passing lamp, or a combination thereof on motor vehicles, other than motorcycles or motorized bicycles, shall be so arranged that the driver may select at will between distributions of light projected to different elevations and such lamps may, in addition, be so arranged that such selection can be made automatically, subject to the following limitations:
A. There shall be an uppermost distribution of light or composite beam so aimed and of such intensity as to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least three hundred fifty feet (350') ahead for all conditions.
B. There shall be a lowermost distribution of light or composite beam so aimed and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least one hundred feet (100') ahead. On a straight, level road under any condition of loading none of the high intensity portion of the beam shall be directed to strike the eyes of an approaching driver.
C. Every new motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle or motorized bicycle, which has multiple beam road lighting equipment shall be equipped with a beam indicator which shall be lighted whenever the uppermost distribution of light from the headlamps is in use and shall not otherwise be lighted. The indicator shall be so designed and located that when lighted it will be readily visible without glare to the driver of the vehicle so equipped. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. Whenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a roadway or shoulder adjacent thereto during the times specified in subsection 9-12-321.384A of this chapter, the driver shall use a distribution of light, or composite beam directed high enough and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a safe distance in advance of the vehicle, subject to the requirements and limitations of subsections B and C of this section.
B. Whenever a driver of a vehicle approaches an oncoming vehicle within one thousand feet (1,000'), the driver shall use a distribution of light or composite beam so aimed that the glaring rays are not projected into the eyes of the oncoming driver. The lowermost distribution of light or composite beam specified in subsection 9-12-321.409B of this chapter shall be deemed to avoid glare at all times, regardless of road contour and loading.
C. Whenever the driver of a vehicle follows another vehicle within four hundred feet (400') to the rear, except when engaged in the act of overtaking and passing, such driver shall use a distribution of light permissible under this chapter other than the uppermost distribution of light specified in subsection 9-12-321.409A of this chapter.
D. The provisions of subsections B and C of this section do not apply to motorcycles or motorized bicycles being operated between sunrise and sunset. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)