A. Permit Required:
1. No person, owner, agent, architect, builder or contractor shall begin the erection, construction, alteration, repair or removal of any wall, fence, sign, building or structure or part thereof in the city, or begin the clearing or excavation of the site of any such building or structure without first having applied for and obtained in writing a permit to do so from the building official of the city. Provided, however, that ordinary maintenance repairs of buildings or structures on personal residences owned and occupied by the party, and the construction of fences along alley lines may be made without notice or permits being required from the building official of the city. (Ord. 225, 3-17-2000; amd. 2002 Code)
2. Structures subject to the provisions of this chapter hereafter erected, and not in conformity with this chapter, shall be removed, or made to conform with this chapter. (1980 Code § 4-12)
B. Application For Permit:
1. All applications for permits to construct, erect, alter, repair or move any wall, fence, sign, building or structure or part thereof for which work a permit is required by this chapter shall be made to the building official in writing over the signature of the owner or of his responsible agent on printed blanks to be furnished by the city, and application shall be accompanied by the fee specified in subsection C of this section.
2. Every application shall give the location of the proposed work, and shall be accompanied by complete plans and specifications signed by the building official to obtain full and complete information as to the character of the work proposed to be done under the permit sought. A copy of said approved plans shall remain in the office of the building official and no change shall be made in the approved plans without the consent of the building official. (1980 Code § 4-13)
C. Permit Fees:
1. The fees for the construction, alteration or repair of buildings or other structures shall be as set from time to time by resolution of the board of commissioners.
2. The fee for moving buildings shall be as set from time to time by resolution of the board of commissioners, but no building shall be moved from one place to another without written permit from the building official. (1980 Code § 4-14; amd. 2002 Code)
D. Issuance; Duration And Extension:
1. No permit shall be issued until it shall appear to the building official that the proposed use, manner of construction, kind and quality of material and workmanship shall be in all respects in conformity with the provisions of this title and all other ordinances of the city.
2. A permit shall be issued or refused within ten (10) days after complete plans or information have been filed with the building official, and a failure to issue such a permit within said ten (10) days shall be considered as, and have all the force and effect of, a refusal thereof.
3. Any building permit issued and under which no construction work is commenced within six (6) months from and after the date of issuance thereof, or under which the proposed construction has not been completed within two (2) years of the date of issuance thereof, shall expire by limitation, and no construction, alteration or removal shall take place after such expiration. All fees paid on such permits shall be forfeited to the city.
4. Upon payment of ten cents ($0.10) per month on each one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of the cost for which the original permit was issued, but not less than five dollars ($5.00) per month in any case, a building permit may be once extended for a period not exceeding six (6) months upon the approval of the building official. (1980 Code § 4-15)
E. Wrecking Buildings; Permit; Bond; Fee:
1. Application for permits to wreck or demolish any building or part thereof shall be accompanied by a statement in writing by the owner or his agent, giving the full name and residence of each of the owners of the building to be demolished, the name and address of the person who is to do the work, and any other information which may be required. Before the permit is issued, an approved bond shall be filed with the city clerk. In no case shall any wall be taken down more than one story in advance of any other wall. All material and debris shall be immediately lowered to the ground and shall not be placed on the floors of the building.
2. The fee for a permit to wreck a building within the fire limits shall be ten dollars ($10.00) for each story of the building. (1980 Code § 4-16; amd. 2002 Code)