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   (A)   No person or party shall interrupt or restore municipal service or access to any customer or property without the express consent of the PWD.
   (B)   Any construction that will interrupt the normal operation of city sewer or water or transportation facilities, in which consent by PWD has been given requires notification to property owners and/or residents.
      (1)   The certification will identify the location, day, time and duration of the street closer or service interruption.
      (2)   The contractor shall notify the City Police and Fire Department at least 48 hours prior to any street closures.
      (3)   The Fire Department will also be given said notice for water main interruptions.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   (A)   Liability insurance. The contractor shall procure and maintain, at the contractor’s expense, during the construction period, contractor’s liability insurance in accordance with the supplementary conditions to the general conditions of the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications.
   (B)   Bonding.
      (1)   The property owner/developer will provide the city with a performance bond equal to the value of the project for all public infrastructure construction required by a subdivision, development or phased development.
      (2)   All construction work within the public right-of-way or easement (sidewalk and curb construction, storm drainage and sanitary sewer service line installation, repair and the like) will require the property owner/contractor to provide the city with a performance bond.
      (3)   Upon written acceptance of the project by the city, the property owner/developer will be required to provide the city with a maintenance bond of 10% of the value of the work performed.
         (a)   The maintenance bond shall remain in full force throughout the one-year guarantee period.
         (b)   Contractors furnishing the city with an annual bond of $5,000 will not be required to furnish additional bonding if the $5,000 bond meets the requirements of these standards.
         (c)   Bonds may be in the form of a surety bond, a certificate of deposit (CD), a certified check or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank licensed to do business in the state.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   (A)   Project control, benchmarks, and horizontal and vertical datums shall be clearly shown on the plans and shall include location, description and elevation.
   (B)   A control point file is required so that the project can be oriented in the city’s GIS database. A minimum of four control points shall be reported.
   (C)   The control point file can be a unique layer in the CAD drawing or a shape, text or tabular file.
   (D) Control methods:
      (1)   Horizontal control.
         (a)   Any local, state or national geodetic survey (NGS) adopted system may be used.
         (b)   The system must be identified so that data can be easily convert from one system to another.
      (2)   Vertical control. The North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88), or the most current adopted NGS Vertical Datum for the United States and territories, shall be used for the vertical control.
   (E)   Conversion from design coordinates to the above shall be provided on the plans and include the following information:
      (1)   Northing, easting and orthometric height control points;
      (2)   Latitude, longitude and ellipsoid height of control points.
      (3)   Geoid used;
      (4)   Meridian convergence angle at control points; and
      (5)   Ground scale factor at control points.
   (F)   All full-sized plans shall be on 24-inch by 36-inch plan sheets or 22-inch by 34-inch plan sheets.
      (1)   Reduced scale plans may be submitted for review if approved by the City PWD, but all plans for final approval (excepting the one required one-half size sheet) and all record drawings shall be full-sized.
      (2)   All plans submitted for review and approval will be stamped, signed and dated by a professional engineer licensed in the state.
   (G)   (1)   All drawings will have both plan and profile views of the proposed improvements.
      (2)   A general location map shall be provided showing the relationship of each page to the overall development.
   (H)   Project datum and benchmarks shall be clearly identified on the plans.
   (I)   English units are required.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   The following scales are required. Other scales will be considered on a case by case basis if all information can be clearly shown.
Plans view
1" = 50'
Profile view, horizontal
1" = 50' (or match plan view scale)
Profile view, vertical
1" = 50'
Stational interview
100 feet or 50 feet
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   (A)   The following items will be required on all plans. Existing features should be shown dashed or with a lighter shading than proposed new features.
   (B)   All construction will be tied to the centerline of a city right-of-way, to the centerline of a city easement, to a platted property line or to a section line.
      (1)   Plan view.
         (a)   North arrow;
         (b)   Legends of symbol;
         (c)   Property lines and ownership or subdivision information;
         (d)   Street names and easements with width dimensions;
         (e)   Project stationing;
         (f)   Limits of existing paved or graveled surfaces;
         (g)   Monument boxes;
         (h)   Culverts; and
         (i)   Existing and proposed utilities and structures, including:
            1.   Line size and material where appropriate;
            2.   Water lines (main lines and service lines), valves and hydrants;
            3.   Sanitary sewer lines (main lines and service lines) and manholes;
            4.   Storm sewer lines, manholes and inlets;
            5.   Gas lines;
            6.   Electric lines, poles and transformers;
            7.   Telephone lines, manholes and junction boxes;
            8.   Cable television lines and junction boxes;
            9.   Irrigation ditches and structures;
            10.   Irrigation systems;
            11.   Fiber optic lines, manholes and junction boxes;
            12.   Street lights; and
            13.   Proposed method of restoration of all disturbed during construction.
      (2)   Profile view.
         (a)   Vertical and horizontal grids to scales;
         (b)   Final grade (solid);
         (c)   Existing grade (dashed);
         (d)   Existing utility lines where crossed;
         (e)   Project stationing; and
         (f)   Utility crossings.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019)
   (A)   The following general notes must be clearly identified:
      (1)   All construction will conform to MPWSS, latest edition, and city modifications to MPWSS;
      (2)   Any existing or new valves which control the city’s water supply shall be operated by city personnel only;
      (3)   The contractor shall notify the Water Department a minimum of 24-hours prior to beginning any work; and
      (4)   Contractor shall field-verify line and grade of existing connections.
   (B)   Plans for water facilities shall show the following:
      (1)   Size, type and structural class of proposed new water line(s), including AWWA specifications;
      (2)   Bedding class;
      (3)   Existing water lines, including size and material;
      (4)   Proposed valves, fittings, fire hydrants and service lines, with stationing;
      (5)   Depth of cover from finish grade to proposed water line(s);
      (6)   Requirements for pipe deflection, if necessary;
      (7)   Type of joint restraint, if required;
      (8)   Plan and profile with other crossing utilities shown to scale in the profile; and
      (9)   Existing or proposed pressure reducing valves.
   (C)   Drawings for sanitary sewer facilities shall show the following:
      (1)   Size, type and structural class of proposed new sewer line(s), including American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications;
      (2)   Plan and profile of each proposed pipeline segment with all other crossing utilities shown to scale in the profile;
      (3)   Bedding class;
      (4)   Existing sewer lines and manholes, including size, material, field-verified invert elevations and field-verified slopes;
      (5)   Manholes with stationing and rim and invert elevations and grade of pipe;
      (6)   Existing and proposed sewer service lines with size and stationing; and
      (7)   Existing and proposed cleanouts.
   (D)   Drawings for storm sewer facilities shall show the following:
      (1)   Size, type and structural class of proposed new sewer line(s), including ASTM specifications;
      (2)   Plan and profile of each proposed pipeline segment with all other crossing utilities shown to scale in the profile;
      (3)   Bedding class;
      (4)   Manholes with stationing and rim and invert elevations and grade of pipe;
      (5)   Inlets and inlet service lines with stationing and invert elevations; and
      (6)   Points of stormwater discharge.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019)
   Drawings for streets and roadways shall show the following:
   (A)   Limit of cut or fill;
   (B)   Existing and proposed utilities, including manholes and valves;
   (C)   Plan and profile with all crossing underground utilities shown to scale in the profile;
   (D)   Existing and finished grades, with finished grade slopes;
   (E)   Vertical and horizontal curves, with curve data (minimum):
      (1)   Horizontal curves - PI sta, curve deflection, R, L, PC and PT stationing; and
      (2)   Vertical curves - PI sta and elev, K, L, stations of PTs.
   (F)   Profile of centerline;
   (G)   Profiles of left and right curb lines, if they are not the same;
   (H)   Any required utility adjustments;
   (I)   Existing and proposed signs and pavement markings;
   (J)   Top of curb elevations at PCs, PTs and inlets;
   (K)   Existing and proposed street monuments; and
   (L)   Typical roadway section(s), dimensioned and drawn to scale, showing:
      (1)   Right-of-way;
      (2)   Backslopes;
      (3)   Sidewalks;
      (4)   Curb and gutter;
      (5)   Structural section materials and depth; and
      (6)   Cross-slopes.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)
   (A)   Design requirements. Water systems shall be designed, constructed and tested in accordance with the current editions of circular DEQ-1 - Montana Department of Environmental Quality Standards for Water Works and the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications and these specifications.
   (B)   Design report.
      (1)   All water main extensions will require the engineer of record to submit a written report to the Public Works Department (PWD) addressing the fire and domestic flow requirements.
      (2)   For residential or non-residential developments that will utilize an average daily flow of less than 25,000 gallons at build-out, the report shall include data on test results at the nearest hydrant which shows the static pressure at zero flow from the hydrant and the residual pressure with available flow from the hydrant.
      (3)   At the discretion of the PWD, the design engineer may be required to conduct hydraulic modeling to demonstrate compliance with the flow and pressure requirements set forth in this section.
      (4)   For residential or non-residential developments that will utilize an average daily flow of 25,000 gallons or more at build-out, or that require utilization of a pressure booster pump(s), the report will be required by the PWD to include hydraulic modeling results that show the adequacy to meet fire and domestic flow and pressure requirements of this section.
      (5)   The normal operating range of pressure allowed for water system design is 50-110 psi or as approved by the PWD without the use of booster or fire pumps.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)