(A) The following general notes must be clearly identified:
(1) All construction will conform to MPWSS, latest edition, and city modifications to MPWSS;
(2) Any existing or new valves which control the city’s water supply shall be operated by city personnel only;
(3) The contractor shall notify the Water Department a minimum of 24-hours prior to beginning any work; and
(4) Contractor shall field-verify line and grade of existing connections.
(B) Plans for water facilities shall show the following:
(1) Size, type and structural class of proposed new water line(s), including AWWA specifications;
(2) Bedding class;
(3) Existing water lines, including size and material;
(4) Proposed valves, fittings, fire hydrants and service lines, with stationing;
(5) Depth of cover from finish grade to proposed water line(s);
(6) Requirements for pipe deflection, if necessary;
(7) Type of joint restraint, if required;
(8) Plan and profile with other crossing utilities shown to scale in the profile; and
(9) Existing or proposed pressure reducing valves.
(C) Drawings for sanitary sewer facilities shall show the following:
(1) Size, type and structural class of proposed new sewer line(s), including American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications;
(2) Plan and profile of each proposed pipeline segment with all other crossing utilities shown to scale in the profile;
(3) Bedding class;
(4) Existing sewer lines and manholes, including size, material, field-verified invert elevations and field-verified slopes;
(5) Manholes with stationing and rim and invert elevations and grade of pipe;
(6) Existing and proposed sewer service lines with size and stationing; and
(7) Existing and proposed cleanouts.
(D) Drawings for storm sewer facilities shall show the following:
(1) Size, type and structural class of proposed new sewer line(s), including ASTM specifications;
(2) Plan and profile of each proposed pipeline segment with all other crossing utilities shown to scale in the profile;
(3) Bedding class;
(4) Manholes with stationing and rim and invert elevations and grade of pipe;
(5) Inlets and inlet service lines with stationing and invert elevations; and
(6) Points of stormwater discharge.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019)
Drawings for streets and roadways shall show the following:
(A) Limit of cut or fill;
(B) Existing and proposed utilities, including manholes and valves;
(C) Plan and profile with all crossing underground utilities shown to scale in the profile;
(D) Existing and finished grades, with finished grade slopes;
(E) Vertical and horizontal curves, with curve data (minimum):
(1) Horizontal curves - PI sta, curve deflection, R, L, PC and PT stationing; and
(2) Vertical curves - PI sta and elev, K, L, stations of PTs.
(F) Profile of centerline;
(G) Profiles of left and right curb lines, if they are not the same;
(H) Any required utility adjustments;
(I) Existing and proposed signs and pavement markings;
(J) Top of curb elevations at PCs, PTs and inlets;
(K) Existing and proposed street monuments; and
(L) Typical roadway section(s), dimensioned and drawn to scale, showing:
(1) Right-of-way;
(2) Backslopes;
(3) Sidewalks;
(4) Curb and gutter;
(5) Structural section materials and depth; and
(6) Cross-slopes.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)