(A) Project control, benchmarks, and horizontal and vertical datums shall be clearly shown on the plans and shall include location, description and elevation.
(B) A control point file is required so that the project can be oriented in the city’s GIS database. A minimum of four control points shall be reported.
(C) The control point file can be a unique layer in the CAD drawing or a shape, text or tabular file.
(D) Control methods:
(1) Horizontal control.
(a) Any local, state or national geodetic survey (NGS) adopted system may be used.
(b) The system must be identified so that data can be easily convert from one system to another.
(2) Vertical control. The North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88), or the most current adopted NGS Vertical Datum for the United States and territories, shall be used for the vertical control.
(E) Conversion from design coordinates to the above shall be provided on the plans and include the following information:
(1) Northing, easting and orthometric height control points;
(2) Latitude, longitude and ellipsoid height of control points.
(3) Geoid used;
(4) Meridian convergence angle at control points; and
(5) Ground scale factor at control points.
(F) All full-sized plans shall be on 24-inch by 36-inch plan sheets or 22-inch by 34-inch plan sheets.
(1) Reduced scale plans may be submitted for review if approved by the City PWD, but all plans for final approval (excepting the one required one-half size sheet) and all record drawings shall be full-sized.
(2) All plans submitted for review and approval will be stamped, signed and dated by a professional engineer licensed in the state.
(G) (1) All drawings will have both plan and profile views of the proposed improvements.
(2) A general location map shall be provided showing the relationship of each page to the overall development.
(H) Project datum and benchmarks shall be clearly identified on the plans.
(I) English units are required.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2019-9, passed 9-3-2019; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)