4.18.010 Declaration of policy
4.18.020 Hours for sprinkling
4.18.030 Even numbered addresses; even days
4.18.040 Odd numbered addresses; odd days
4.18.050 Lawn sprinkling prohibited on last day of month
4.18.060 Sprinkling device required
4.18.065 Automatic sprinkling devices
4.18.066 Reserved
4.18.070 Power to forbid use of water
4.18.080 Violations; penalty
(A) It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the city to regulate the use of municipal water in the city so as to preserve, protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the city.
(B) It is hereby declared that the waste, misuse and abuse of the existing municipal water supply within the city affects and is a menace to the public health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and prosperity of the people of the city.
(C) For the purposes of controlling and reducing the abuse and wasteful use of municipal water, the city shall hereby set forth necessary standards for the use of municipal water.
(Prior Code, § 4.18.010) (Ord. 1, passed 1-17-1980; Ord. 147, passed 5-6-2012)