   (A)   Except as otherwise provided herein, a person confined to the county jail shall be required to make a co-payment for health care services as follows:
      (1)   Medical care: $15;
      (2)   Dental care: 15;
      (3)   Eye care: $15;
      (4)   Any other health care related service: 15; and
      (5)   Prescription drugs: actual co-pay. Maximum $15 per prescription or refill.
   (B)   This section does not apply to a person confined to the county jail who maintains a policy of insurance from a private company covering the services listed above, or one who is willing to pay for his or her own medical care.
   (C)   Any person confined to the county jail shall not be required to make a co-payment under this section if:
      (1)   The person does not have funds in the person’s commissary or trust account at the time the service is provided;
      (2)   The person does not have funds in the person’s commissary or trust account within 60 days after the service is provided;
      (3)   The service is provided in an emergency;
      (4)   The service is provided as a result of an injury received in the jail; or
      (5)   The service is provided at the request of the Sheriff or Jail Administrator.
   (D)   Money collected under this section shall be deposited into a fund from which payments for inmates’ medical care are made.
   (E)   The medical care expenses of a person committed to the county jail by another county are the responsibility of the committing county. The medical care expenses of a person committed to the county jail by the Department of Corrections are the responsibility of the Department of Corrections.
   (F)   Rules for implementing this section must be approved by the Board of Commissioners of the county.
(Ord. 2004-4, passed 4-19-2004)
   Each precinct election officer, including each inspector, judge, poll clerk, assistant poll clerk and election Sheriff, if a Sheriff is appointed, shall be paid the sum of $25 as a meal allowance pursuant to I.C. 3-6-6-31(b). The meal allowance shall be paid at the same time that compensation is paid to the precinct election officer for the performance of their duties on election day.
(Ord. 2012-6, passed 9-4-2012)
   (A)   The County Auditor may make claim payments in advance of Board allowance for the following kinds of expenses:
      (1)   Property or services purchased or leased from the United States government, its agencies or its political subdivisions;
      (2)   License or permit fees;
      (3)   Insurance premiums;
      (4)   Utility payments or utility connection charges;
      (5)   General grant programs where advance funding is not prohibited and the contracting party posts sufficient security to cover the amount advanced;
      (6)   Grants of state funds authorized by statute;
      (7)   Maintenance of service agreements;
      (8)   Leases or rental agreements;
      (9)   Bond or coupon payments;
      (10)   Payroll;
      (11)   State or federal taxes;
      (12)   Expenses that must be paid because of emergency circumstances; and
      (13)   Expenses described in an ordinance.
   (B)   Each payment of expenses under this section must be supported by a fully itemized invoice or bill and certification by the County Auditor.
   (C)   The Board of County Commissioners shall review and allow the claim at its next regular or special meeting following the pre-approved payment of the expense.
(Ord. 2013-5, passed 7-1-2013)
   (A)   Oversight of credit card/store card use. The County Commissioners are responsible for issuing, accounting for, monitoring, and generally overseeing compliance with this policy. All credit card applications/store card applications must be approved and issued by the Commissioners.
   (B)   Requests for credit cards/store cards. Requests for credit cards and store cards by county employees, including elected office holders, must be submitted in writing to the Auditor. The request must identify the person to whom the credit card/store card will be issued and the amount charged may not exceed the sum of $2,000. The credit card/store card shall be issued in the county office name, the authorized user.
   (C)   Review of credit card/store card applications. Upon receiving a request for a credit card/store card from an employee, the Auditor shall present the request to the Commissioners for review. The Commissioners shall approve or deny each credit card/store card request.
   (D)   Persons authorized to use credit cards/store cards. A card issued to an employee is to be used by that employee only. The Auditor or the Commissioners may, at any time and without notice to the employee and with or without cause, cancel the credit card/store card.
   (E)   Recordkeeping. The Auditor shall maintain a list of all credit cards/store cards issued to county employees. Each employee shall sign a form acknowledging receipt of the credit card/store card, and that the employee has received, read, and understands this policy.
   (F)   Authorized uses. County credit cards/store cards are the property of the county, and may be used only for the purchase of goods or services for the official business of the county. Personal use of county credit cards/store cards is expressly prohibited, even if the employee later reimburses the county for purchases made for personal use.
   (G)   Identification as government employees. Employees who use a credit card/store card have a duty to present themselves as government employees at the point of purchase and present sales tax exemption form ST 105 to ensure that the county is not charged state sales tax.
   (H)   Documentation of purchases. County employees who use a credit card/store card shall submit the vendor's itemized receipt to the Auditor, and a voucher signed by the employee's department head indicating that the purchase should be approved for payment, the nature of the official business that required the transaction, the credit card/store card account number, and the budget line item to which the transaction is to be charged. The credit card/store card cannot be used to bypass the county's accounting system.
   (I)   Review of credit card/store card statements. The Auditor's office shall review each credit card/store card statement and all documents submitted by county employees to ensure that transactions comply with this policy. Any transactions that are not documented with an itemized credit card/store card receipt and a signed voucher shall be immediately investigated. Transactions that do not appear to comply with this policy shall be reported to the Commissioners.
   (J)   Approval for payment. The Commissioners shall not approve a payment to the entity issuing the credit card/store card until all transactions have been verified.
   (K)   Payment of credit cards/store cards. Each month, the balance due on the credit cards/store cards for all verified transactions shall be paid when due to avoid the assessment of interest and late charges.
   (L)   Lost or stolen credit cards/store cards. An employee who is issued a credit card/store card is responsible for its protection and custody. If a credit card/store card is lost or stolen, the official or employee shall notify the Auditor as soon as possible. The Auditor shall contact the entity issuing the lost or stolen credit card/store card immediately and request it be canceled.
   (M)   Return of credit card/store card upon termination of employment. An employee issued a credit card/store card shall return the credit card/store card to the Auditor upon termination of his or her employment or service with the county.
   (N)   Responsibility for credit card/store card misuse. County employees shall have personal liability for the payment of transactions that do not comply with this policy.
(Res. 2017-7, passed 9-5-2017)
   (A)   On June 6, 1972, the Council adopted an “Ordinance Establishing a Non-Reverting Operating Fund for the Decatur County Parks and Recreation Board” under the authority of Acts of 1955, Chapter 311, § 220, as amended, now I.C. 36-10-3-20.
   (B)   The Code provides that the Council may provide “a special non-reverting capital fund for the purpose of acquiring land or making specific capital improvements”. Therefore, the Council now adopts this section amending its ordinance of June 6, 1972, to provide further as follows:
      (1)   The purposes for which funds may be expended from the non-reverting fund shall be limited to acquiring land or making capital improvements for athletic or recreational facilities; and
      (2)   No funds may be expended or encumbered except on prior approval of the County Council pursuant to request by the Joint Park and Recreation Board of Greensburg and the county.
(Council Ord. 1981-1, passed 1-13-1981)
   (A)   The County Commissioners passed an ordinance establishing the Cumulative Capital Development Fund pursuant I.C. 36-9-14.5.
   (B)   An ordinance to re-establish a Cumulative Capital Development Fund with a tax rate of $0.10 for 1987 pay 1988, $0.10 for 1988 pay 1989 and $0.10 for 1989 pay 1990. The fund will be used for the Cumulative Building Fund for County Buildings and Cumulative Bridge Fund.
(Ord. 1987-2, passed 4-6-1987)
   (A)   There is established a fund to be known as the County District Solid Waste Management Fund.
   (B)   All solid waste disposal fees remitted to the district shall be deposited in this fund.
   (C)   Money in this fund may be used only for the following purposes:
      (1)   To pay expenses of administering the fund; and
      (2)   To pay costs associated with the development and implementation of the district’s Solid Waste Management Plan.
   (D)   This fund shall be administered by the fiscal officer of the district. Money in this fund which is not currently needed for the purposes set forth above may be invested in the same manner as other county funds may be invested. Interest that accrues from these investments shall be deposited in the fund.
(Res. passed 4-4-1991)