(A)   Purchasing agency. The purchasing agency for the county, the governmental body authorized to enter into contracts, is the Board of County Commissioners, as authorized by I.C. 36-2-2-2.
   (B)   Purchasing agents. The following purchasing agents are designated, who are authorized by the Board of County Commissioners to act as agents for the County Commissioners in administering their duties as the county’s purchasing agency:
      (1)   Each elected county officeholder;
      (2)   The Judges of the Circuit and Superior Courts, or their designee;
      (3)   The prosecuting attorney or his or her designee;
      (4)   The County Highway Superintendent;
      (5)   The Director of the Area Plan Commission and Building Department;
      (6)   The Administrative Officer of the County Health Department;
      (7)   The Chief Probation Officer or Manager of the Probation Department;
      (8)   The Manager of the County Extension Office;
      (9)   The Administrative Assistant to the Board of Commissioners;
      (10)   The Veterans Service Officer;
      (11)   The Superintendent of the Parks Department; and
      (12)   Such additional individuals as may be designated by resolution of the Board of Commissioners.
   (C)   Purchasing policies.
      (1)   These policies apply to the purchase of all office supplies, materials, equipment and furnishings.
      (2)   For expenditures up to $499 for each item or group of similar items, each purchasing agent may procure items for his or her agency. For expenditures over $100 per item or group of similar items, the purchasing agent must obtain two price quotes and retain them with other purchasing records.
      (3)   For expenditures of $500 or more, the purchasing agent must submit to the County Commissioners, prior to ordering, a description of the item and two price quotes. These purchases will be reviewed for purposes of avoiding unnecessary duplication of purchases, coordinating among offices, and achieving efficiency and savings in county purchases.
      (4)   The County Highway Superintendent may purchase supplies and services for the repair and maintenance of vehicles and equipment, up to $2,500, without prior approval of the commissioners.
      (5)   As required by I.C. 5-22-15-21, purchasing agents shall purchase supplies manufactured in the United States unless it is determined that any one of the following apply.
         (a)   The supplies are not manufactured in the United States in reasonably available quantities.
         (b)   The price of the supplies manufactured in the United States exceeds by an unreasonable amount the price of available and comparable supplies manufactured outside the United States.
         (c)   The quality of the supplies is substantially less than the quality of comparably priced available supplies manufactured outside the United States.
         (d)   The purchase of supplies manufactured in the United States is not in the public interest.
   (D)   Revocation. The Board of Commissioners may revoke the designation of any purchasing agent who intentionally fails to follow the purchasing policies of this section. The Board of Commissioners may deny a claim for payment based upon a purchase if there has been an intentional violation of the policies of this section.
(Ord. 1998-14, passed 12-28-1998)